Hidden Base Lockdown

Title: Hidden Base Lockdown
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Jan 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (10) Rendezvous Point Endor x2 Kiffex x2 Corulag Yavin 4 Coruscant Tatooine Kessel

Characters (17) Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 Luke with Lightsaber x2 Obi-Wan with Lightsaber Chewbacca of Kashyyk Chebacca Wedge Antilles Orrimaarco Melas Kal’Falnl C’ndros Boushh Leia Organa Momaw Nadon Jeroen Webb Wyron Serper

Starships (18) Corellian Corvette x6 Red Leader in Red 1 Red Squadron X-Wing x3 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Gold Squadron Y-Wing x3 Lando in Millennium Falcon Spiral Tantive 4 Redemption

Interupts (3) The Signal (S) It Could Be Worse x2

Effects (11) Battle Plan Haven (S) Civil Disorder Projection Of A Skywalker x2 Draw Their Fire Undercover x3 The Planet That It’s Farthest From Traffic Control

Objective Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off, this deck has proved to be a great deck for me going 10 out of 12 in the last four tournaments. You start with the objective, the planet, The Signal, Rndezvous Point, and Haven.You deploy your ships and effects as soon as you can get them. the ships deploy for cheep at the Rendezvous Point with Haven and then move for free to Endor, which is the planet I try to get on the first turn. The effects in this deck are very important and provide almost all of the back bone for the deck. Versus operatives deploy battle order, the planet that it is farthest from, and under cover spies to really limit their drains. Against Hunt Down cancel all their drains and send an undercover spy to the holotheator, and stay away from vader and it can be a fairly easy match. Against ISB do the same things that you’d do for the operatives to stop their drains. Against the ECC DS objective deploy under cover spies and your whole ground force on cloud city to stop them from deploying Dark Deal and flipping the objective. While you counter all of their objectives you wait up in space with a large fleet at each system and do some big force drains to finish them off. If they ever do probe and have security precautions, use the it Could Be Worse’s to stop the loss. This deck is great against all different types of decks and so far i havent really found a weakness except for Some Hunt Down decks. ‘