ls senate

Title: ls senate
Author: Mike "mikezap" Stevens
Date: Apr 19, 2002 Rating: 4.0



‘starting (7)

plead my case to the senate/sanity and compassion

coruscant galactic senate


heading for the medical frigate

security control

staging areas

squadron assignments

locations (3)

coruscant docking bay

home one docking bay


ships+ their pilots (17)

ric olie

queens royal starship

wedge antilles, red squadron leader

red squadron 1

derek ’hobbie’ klivian

red squadron 4

keir santage

red squadron 7

kin kain

gold squadron 1

colonel cracken

tala 1

green leader

green squadron 1

admiral ackbar

home one

(yes i know u cant use ackbar with squad assignments)

tantive 4


supreme chancellor valorum

senator valorum

mas amedda

sei teria

horox ryyder

liana merian


non senator non pilots guys (10)

yoda, master of the force

luke with lightsaber

chewie, enraged (2)

general solo



master luke

mace windu

coruscant guard

interrupts (19)

might of the republic

a few maneuvers (2)

we wish to board at once

rebel barrier

fallen portal (2)

jedi prescence

first aid

organized attack (2)

dont get @#$%y

tunnel vision

inconsequential barriers

the signal

the force is strong with this one

vote now

stay here where its safe

narrow escape


senate hovercam

battle plan

projection of a skywalker

legendary starfighter

political effects (2)

the gravest of circumstances

i will not defer

weapons (1)

x wing laser cannon ‘

Strategy: ‘

oops senator palpatine not senator valorum

start coruscant and senate and deploy the home 1 docking bay and then the coruscant docking bay the main idea of this deck is to use the senators and their bonuses to get some good drains at coruscant and a touch of retreival this deck is pretty new and hasnt been played alot please offer some constructive suggestions and if you tell me something to add then tell me what you would take out thanks alot ‘