2002 Yavin 4 regional 2nd Place- I Am Jacks Anger

Title: 2002 Yavin 4 regional 2nd Place- I Am Jacks Anger
Author: Kevin "KevOfCrofton" Elia
Date: Apr 21, 2002 Rating: 4.5




Ice Plains(S)

Defensive Perimeter

Hoth Docking Bay

Naboo Docking Bay



Blockade Flagship Bridge


2x Darth Maul With Lightsaber

2x Darth Vader With Lightsaber

5x Emperor Palpatine

Captain Khurgee

2x Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter

Dr. Evazen and Ponda Baba

2x Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Ozzel


2x Chimaera


Zuckuss in Mist Hunter


2x Imperial Walker

Blizzard 2

Blizzard Scout 1

2x Blizzard 4


Imperial Decree

Mobilization Points(S)

Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans(S)

You May Start Your Landing(S)

Lateral Damage

Fear Is My Ally(S)

No Escape


4x Imperial Command

3x Trample

He Hasn’t Come Back Yet

Blow Parried

2x Sense & Uncertain Is The Future

Scanning Crew

3x We Must Accelerate Our Plans

Prepared Defenses

2x Walker Garrison

2x Force Lightning

Defensive Shields(10)

Oppressive Enforcement

Allegations Of Corruption

Come Back Here You Big Coward

You’ve Never Won A Race?

Battle Order



A Useless Gestures

You Cannot Hide Forever

We’ll Let Fate-a Decide, Huh?

Strategy: ‘

Play like a normal mains deck. But you should always have huge activation by turn 2. I usually generate 12-15 on my third turn, and what can’t you do with that much force?

If you don’t have 5 emperors, you could probably just use more walkers. I dont really use the garrisons, I’d much rather just play huge beats.


Scanning Crew- After all their sheilds are pulled, use Khurgee to loop this over and over. I didn’t use this in the tournament, but it has huge potential.

Emperor Palpatine- Destiny 6. Searchs for an easily trackable 5. Gives you an extra force. Flips the LSCombat objective at the Naboo DBay. What else do you want?

Naboo DBay- Drop Palpatine and another DJedi there. They gotta fight, or they cant drain. Instead of going for the beatdown, make them come to you.

Walker Garrison- Use 2 so that it doesnt matter if you get one in your opening hand, so you can still pull the Defensive Perimeter. I actually got one off in the tournament, but it’s definitly not neccessary.

He Hasn’t Come Back Yet- Make someone missing? works for me.

Tournament report coming later this week, i hope.

As always, contact me if you have any admirals orders available. im almost over 900. ‘