TDIGWATT Manipulation

Title: TDIGWATT Manipulation
Author: Evan "fizz247" Clemens
Date: Jan 13, 2000 Rating: 3.5



’ denotes starting

Objective (1) This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time

Locations (7) Bespin Bespin Cloud City Cloud City Upper Walkway Cloud City Security Tower Cloud City Dining Room Cloud City West Gallery Cloud City Port Town District

Characters (15) Darth Vader DLOTS EPP Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ozzel DS-61-2 DS-61-3 EPP Fett Brangus Glee Djas Puhr Bane Malar Jabba Lando Calrissian Mosep Zuckuss

Starships (9) Boba Fett In Slave I DIPO Bossk in Bus Death Squad Star Destroyer x2 Obsidian Squad TIE x2 OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1 OS-72-2 in Obsidian 2

Interupts (23) Any Methods Necessary Masterful Move Torture Set For Stun Imperial Barrier Shocking Revalation Alter Sense x2 Monnok x3 A Dangerous Time x4 Scanning Crew x7

Effects (5) Secret Plans Battle Order Dark Deal Reactor Terminal Security Precautions ‘

Strategy: ‘

Edit Please someone reveiw my deck for what it is worth, and say something worthwhile… saying it is balenced and giving it a 3 doesnt make any sense at all. There are two Boba’s for flexibility and in case one dies, and EPP Fett tends to rather quickly.

Ok, manip is sometimes difficult to play, but this shouldnt give you too much trouble. Basically, the drains with Dark Deal give the urgency that your opponent needs to deploy, but cant. You should be able to set up quick, with two sites to start with, Lando via the prison, Boba and his ship, and the relatively cheap characters and quick force generation. Phsyc impacts are devistating too, and can cause your opponent to make mistakes, or be paranoid. You should be strong enough in space to hold your own, as long as you avoid a beat and keep draining. Ops could give some trouble, but if you establish your drains, you will be in a better prosition to hinder his, and take advantage of Battle Order. This deck attemps to strike that precarious ballence between drain and battle, ground and space, damage and defense. The deck is currently in a very flexible state, and should definately be meta-ed. I dont think EJP effects this too much, b/c the lightside gets the shaft again. I dont use any of the EJPs because im looking for destiny draws and cheap deploy, and zuckess belongs on the ground. Mara Jade could be made to fit in here, your choice… maybe ditch stick vader and a reactor terminal… Either way, this deck is pretty damn solid. ‘