Attrition Sorry they stay

Title: Attrition Sorry they stay
Author: Matt "Old Skooler" Lush
Date: Jan 14, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Mind What You Have Learned/SYIC

Locations (8) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Dag. Swamp Training Area Dag. Jungle Bog Clearing CC Lower Corridor Kessel

Characters (17) Yoda Obi-wan Kenobi x3 Master Luke x3 Daughter of Skywalker x2 EPP Han x2 ECC Chewie x2 Tawss Khaa Orrimaarko Boshek Melas

Weapons (5) Obi’s Saber x2 Anakin’s Saber x2 Jedi Saber

Starships (5) Tantive IV Spiral Falcon GL in G1 RL in R1

Interrupts (17) The Signal Solo Han x3 Smokescreen x3 Nabrun Leids x2 Sorry about the Mess x2 Clash of Sabers x2 Courage of a Skywalker Glancing Blow Houjix On the Edge

Effects (3) WYTTPOU Traffic Control Wise Advice

Devices (2) Electrobinoculars x2

Jedi Tests (2) Test 1 Test 2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Use the objective of course to get all the Dagobah sites and Yoda out for force activation. When you get either Tawss, Melas, Boshek, or Orrimarko, train one of them. Start with Wise Advice to help with training and to let your interrupts recycle back in your deck if they draw a 1 playing a Sense/Alter against you. With Yoda at the Hut, Obi is effectively immune <7, Master Luke and Daughter <6. Tawss, Boshek, Melas, and Orrimarko <5. (Of course you’re training one of these guys to Two.) Just get these characters out wherever your opponent is and start hammering away. You should rarely lose a character, the immunity is incredible. If your opponent is spreading out instead of concentrating on one area, Smokescreen and Solo Han will help lessen the risk of spreading yourself thin to cover your opponent’s drains. Two Sorry About The Mess and Clashes to pull a serious hurt. (And of course take care of spies…) If they are not playing space, hold Kessel till the end game and then deploy it and a ship. (Speaking of ships, upon reflection I would change the Falcon to Lando in Falcon.) If you are lucky enough to get Orrimaarko to train, throw the Electrobinoculars on him. Otherwise, give them to Obi if you can. EB’s are old-school gold. Use ‘em for Testing, actually using the On The Edge for it’s purpose(instead of an alternate Houjix), and even to find cards you need if you have mucho force activation. You have a grabber for anything degenerate, and can go wherever your opponent is draining you. There is nothing for inserts, as it has been about one and half YEARS since I have seen Dark Side inserts. However, if they lurk in your area, I would reccomend throwing 3 Don’t Forget The Droids. And things will only get worse for them when you’re done with Test 2. Battle at it’s purest. Enjoy ‘