There Are Those Droidekas

Title: There Are Those Droidekas
Author: Peter "marvin" Jurcovic
Date: May 14, 2002 Rating: 4.5




This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time/Droid Manufacturing Platform



Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City Casino

Cloud City Incinerator

Cloud City West Gallery

Cloud City East Platform


P59 (The Rep)


4lom w/gun

IG88 w/gun


Destroyer Droid x7

Owo1 w/backup

Battle Droid Officer x2


Darth Maul x2


Darth Sidious

Darth Vader,DLOTS


Maul’s Sith Infiltrator x2

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Bossk in Buss

Boba Fett In Slave1

Dengar In Punishing One



Prepared Defenses

Oh, Switch Off x2

Abyssin Ornament

Stunning Leader

Master, Destroyers

I Have You Now x2

Masterful Move & Endor Occupation


We Must Accelerate Our Plans x2

Evader & Monnok

Omni Box & It’s Worse

Sniper & Dark Strike


Fear Is My Ally (st)

Combat Response (st)

IAO & SP (st)

I’m Sorry (st)

Crush The Rebellion (st)

Where Are Those Droidekas?

Precision Targetting

Dard Deal x2

Cloud City Occupation ‘

Strategy: ‘

The Background

Destroyer droids are cool and we all love them (”we would make holes in them,

so we could…” you now the story), but tell me who actually plays with them (and

now I DON’T mean making holes in them, so we could… you now what). I mean,

everybody has good ol’ P59 in deck, but that’s the point.

But lets go serious. This is the deck I built together in aproximatly 15

minutes when I returned home from a tournament, where I got a ”Where Are

Those Droidekas?” card from one R3 prize pack. And I accidentally took

a look at the ”Cloud City Incinerator” card as well and there was it.

This is basically a ”fun” deck (and it hasn’t been actually tested yet),

because it plays with non-standard cards (like non-unique destroyers) just

because they’re cool and interesting. I won’t try to convince anybody that

this is the ”DarkDealDoneRIGHT”, but I guess it surely is

”DarkDealDoneDIFFERENT” and hopefully also ”DarkDealDoneFUN”. And since

it’s a quick-n-dirty deck, I would suggest you to take it just like an

inspiration for your own amazing creation(s).

The Idea

The deck is obviously built around destroyers and other kinds of droids

and Incinerator. If you happen to forget, then the gametext of Incinerator

says ”If you control, during your control phase, may use 2 Force to retrieve

one droid.”. And so that’s what you do. You deploy your droids, let them rock

(and die) and retrieve them for another rock (and die) session. You have fun.

You (maybe, even) win.

The Strategy

…is pretty straightforward here. The deck should be played partly in a control

way, since you can set-up massive damage quickly, but almost all of the

characters you’ve got here may be used to battle your opponent.

And since you are able to respawn your droids in Incinerator, you should have

an edge in hit-n-run battles, so go, hit and run (to lost pile).

Card choices

Most of your characters (at around 76%) are droids. This is the incinerator

droid deck, so don’t complain. The rest are Dark Jedies, because having

a few of them is a good idea for any dark deck.

Your space consists of some bounty hunter ships and Maul (and yeah, Chimaera).

Maul’s Infiltrator is just too good to be true, especially in conjunction

with ”I Have You Now”, which works nice with ”Crush The Rebellion”, which

is just very good idea for any dark deck and a must for any dark-deal deck.

Just throw Maul in his Infiltrator in front of virtual Luke and friends and make

them loose their precious ships to attrition. Not funny. Or just use it to

protect your occupation and to satisfy Battle Plan (you would loose those

two for their Bespin drain anyway, right?). ”Not too bad for guy with

a silly makeup.”

There is no Mobilization Points/Executor/They Must Never Again Leave This City

combo here, because people are expecting it and are prepared for it and it

would require quite different character/interrupt selection. If you like it

more, then be my guest.

The interrupt and effect selection is also mostly pretty standard, even those

droid support/abuse interrupts are quite common in droid decks. But they’re

broken, so why should we fix them?

High destiny easy recyclables include Omni Box & It’s Worse (can be used to

disrupt their effort to take down cloaking Maul with a tracked six,

Sorry About The Mess and X-wing cannon), Masterful Move combo,

Master Destroyers and two

We Must Accelerates which can be used to pull another copy of itself out

from the deck and thus allowing you to take a look at your reserve and

set up destiny simultaneously.

Abyssin Ornament is here for eventual late-game retrieval (it can target those


Lesser-known effects include ”Precision Targeting” and ”Where Are Those

Droidekas?”, and I guess they’re self explanatory as well, just read the cards

and you should have the idea.

The End

The deck most probably needs some work yet and most probably is not the best

dark deck out there, but it’s different and it’s funny, so take it and tweak it

and enjoy it. (And yeah, always start the game by revealing your P59 and

declaring him (it) as The Rep.)