LS Senate done RIGHT aka Ghhhks Away

Title: LS Senate done RIGHT aka Ghhhks Away
Author: Brian "HuntaWarya" Hunter
Date: May 18, 2002 Rating: 5.0



‘Objective (1)

Plead My Case to the Senate/Sanity and Compassion

Starting Effect (1)

An Unusual Amount of Fear (w/10 shields)

Locations (5)

Coruscant Jedi council chamber

spaceport docking bay

Home One docking bay

Naboo theed palace docking bay

Coruscant galactic senate

Characters (20)

Horox Ryyder x3

Tendau Bendon

Queen Amidala, Ruler of the Naboo x3

Senator Palpatine x3

Qui-gon w/ Lightsaber x2

Luke w/ Lightsaber x2

Obi-wan w/ Lightsaber x2

Lando Calrissian, Scoundrel

Yoda, Master of the Force

3PO w/ His Parts Showing

Corran Horn

Starships (3)

Han, Chewie & The Falcon x2


Interrupts (19)

Might of the Republic x3

We Wish to Board at Once x2

Heading for the Medical Frigate

A Jedi’s Resilience x3

Inconsequential Barriers

Sorry About the Mess/Blaster Proficiency

AWRI/Darklighter Spin

Clash of Sabers

Alter (coruscant version)


Sense & Recoil in Fear

Life Debt x2

Out of Commission/Trans. Terminated

Effects (11)

Senate Hovercam

Bacta Tank

Docking & Repair Facilities

Colo Claw Fish

Insurrection/Aim High

Draw Their Fire

Ascertaining the Truth

Plea to the Court

The Gravest of Circumstances

Don’t Do That Again

Goo Nee Tay

Strategy: ‘

Although the “Epps and Resiliences” version of LS senate has existed for a while, I’ve never really seen a good list for it posted to decktech, so I decided to change that. This is (within one or two cards) the deck that I used to win the DPC Vegas this year. The deck is so-named because of its uncanny ability to pull the Ghhhk out of your opponent’s hand (using the text on the flip side of the objective) just before delivering a massive beatdown. Highly annoying.

Starting setup

Begin with your 10 shields under your starting effect, then start the objective, the senate, and the council chamber. Play HFTMF to pull Insurrection/Aim High, and any 2 of the following 3 effects Colo Claw Fish (which you won’t start if they do), DDTA, or Draw their Fire.

Early game

Use Senator Palpatine and either of the other senators for an early flip, and pull out your political effects. Get Yoda and your docking bays out for extra generation, along with the Hovercam as soon as it is available. Early epp strikes are an option against a DS ground deck that sets up abnormally fast. (like DS saber combat, watto, or sometimes Hunt Down) The claw fish can make sure you hit your targets, the political effects will ensure that you force good attrition, and senator palpatine can guarantee that you’ll be on the right end of the battle damage. Senses (and the Inc. Barriers) help you stop battle evasion cards, and the resiliences bring your epps back for more. Corran Horn might help you surprise your opponent at a 1/0 docking bay, or other non-battleground site. TT can cancel the phantom menace to make it easier for qui-gon or obi-wan to kill Maul.

Later game

2 life debts will help you pull the falcon so that you can use it for beats in space. It will also add 2 battle destiny, especially helpful if you sense an imperial command they were counting on. the All Wings combo is for circumventing a potential Guri. The spiral is for helping the Falcon to knock down Zuckuss, although R3 Lando on the Spiral can be pretty nasty in certain situations by itself. The D&R facilities enables you to continually hamper your opponent’s efforts in space with recurring falcons (even if a tie cannon shoots you down) 3PO can help make sure that your battle destiny remains high if your senators aren’t in exactly the right spots. Combine him with a recycling OOC, and you can make sure your opponent’s big mains stay dead. Use the bacta tank to keep tossing Epps at your opponent if they haven’t given up on the ground yet. If they are still on the ground, they’re probably stacking up at the sites now, so Clash and SATM combo come into play. By this time you might often be able to afford to pay 3 to put 2 of your opponent’s cards back, which will be very irritating for them. If there are any drains left that you haven’t managed to eliminate yet, cancel them with Plea to the Court (sometimes more than once in a turn if you’ve got your amidalas going) and then toss them back in the deck with the objective’s gametext while you wait for your opponent to bleed out.

Additional strategy for beating space decks

Get your two battleground sites out (deploying the spaceport docking bay to naboo alongside the theed palace docking bay) and set up at each of them. Now you won’t be affected by CHYBC any longer and can drain at each of those docking bays as well as at the Senate, and can retrieve 2 a turn for Amidala. You’ll also be able to retrieve for DTF any time you initiate battles in space. Plea to the Court can cancel their space drains while you wait to get your strike force together, and the text on your objective can pull key cards out of their hand that they may have needed to stop you.

Specific Card Choices

Inconsequential barriers - It cancels Imperial barrier and none shall pass. this is an attacking deck with mains…what more do you need to know?

Coruscant Alter - Good for cancelling a Political Effect against other Senate decks, since the Premiere version of Alter may not cancel them. Then just retrieve it with Amidala or DTF if possible.

Tendau bendon - On your last turn, you can pitch your hand in your used pile like as if he thought he was traffic control.

Horox - limiting your opponent to one destiny in space can be pretty huge, especially when the falcon is immune <6, and you can subtract 3 from their destiny with your pol. effect….hmmmm

Senator Palpatine - By using 1 force to add your opponent’s destiny to your power, you can increase the battle damage your epps cause, or at the very least reduce the battle damage your opponent causes when you attack (if you get caught by an untimely I Have You Now, or something similar)

Queen Amidala - Since Amidala is not a Senator, (but may be placed on the political effects as though she were) you can continue to use them even after she is on them. That’s how you cancel multiple drains in a single turn, or add 3 to more than one of your battle destiny draws. Then you pitch everything on your political effects back into your used pile, and use 3PO to pull Amidala back into your hand as you activate past her. Wheeeeeeee

Well, I think that’ll do it. Enjoy

“Have Lightsaber, Will Travel” ‘