Rebel Strike Team- Stay the hell of endor

Title: Rebel Strike Team- Stay the hell of endor
Author: Mike "Quione" Noneofyourbusiness
Date: May 22, 2002 Rating: 4.0




Rebel Strike Team/Garrison Destroyed


Endor Landing Site

Heading for the Medical Frigate

Strike Planning

The Shield is Down

Squadren Assignments

An Unusual Amount of Fear (Pick your 10)


Admiral Ackbar

Daughter of Skywalker

General Solo

General Calrissian

General Crix Madine


Nien Numb

Sergeant Junkin

Lieutenant Blount


Major Panno

Corporal Midge

Tycho Celchu

Corporal Kensaric

Lieutenant Page

Chewbacca of Kashyyyk

Colonel Cracken

Sergeant Brooks Carlson

Corran Horn

H’nemthe x 2

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight


Gold Squadren 1

Green Squadren 3

Tala 1

Tala 2



Home One


Throw me another charge x 2

I know

Endor Celebration

The Signal

Out of nowhere


Projection of a skywalker x 2

Menace Fades

Battle Plan

Close Air Support x 2


Endor Back door

Endor Dense forest

Endor Ewok Village

Endor Bunker

Endor Great forest





Explosive Charge

Ill take the leader

Deactivate the shield generator

Strategy: ‘

DECK EDIT Pull junkin and both TMAC for beezer, portable scanner, and a 2nd portable charge (Thanks to Bean2213 for making me think). This deck is based around being able to easily pull any card you need, and guessing with TMAC became too much of a liability late game

DECK EDIT 2 Change Roche to Kessal, and Kashyyyk to the signal. Lastly, turn Akbar (or if you think you need him, H’nemthe) into Go Nee Tay. Go Nee Tay good anti-maul, and if you have H’nemthe & Go Nee Tay out, vader is +4 to deploy (+5 at kensaric’s site)

DECK EDIT 3 If you want a virtually guarenteed blown generator, change brooks carlson to junkin (+4 for both charges and +2 because obj is filped from scouts on endor means you need 2 destiny to be 3 or greater)

Why Akbar? well, akbar is kinda usless w/out home 1, and i think the deck has enough space to securely fortify 1 planet easy

EDIT Response to reviews-

Meto, you review makes no sense, but ill try and make it real simple for you. The extra systems (roche, kessel, and kashyyyk) are for space draining. With all the ships in the deck it doesnt make much sense to only include 1 system. I included tycho instead of wedge because he is a spy and can deploy as such to more systems than wedge. None of the characters are pointless, and quigon and obi are not needed because they in no way help the deck theme. Thaneespi is missing because akbar is pulling the order instead. Projection is a great card, and as i said, the deck is designed to hole up at endor and not have to leave. Lastly, Dense Forest is in because hidden forest train is marginally good (especially with carlson on table) and the dense forest protects againt the decks biggest probem… BIG BLUE GROUND. No AT-AT - no problems. JS, RS can take out at-st’s one at a time, and if you strategically place the dense forest you may be able to trap an AT-AT at at one end of endor (similar to what you can do with great forest and vader)

EDIT Why arent these cards here??

Ithorian- With a destiny of 2 they hurt the deck, and cant be pulled. Rather than include them and give the opponet force to help get past kenseric/h’menthe i decided to let midge do their work and added Lt. Page


This deck uses scouts to swarm endor while setting up drains on the wide variety of sites available. In the meantime the ships can be deployed to space for backup (the talla’s to endor in conjunction with close air support) and for draining.

Drop the bunker whenever you can immediately fill it with with at least 15 power (try and leave han/chewie at the back door, to move in once bunker is deployed)


Notice the single explosive charge? its really quite simple. With junkin, 1 charge, and a flipped objective your total destiny draw to blow the generator only needs to be 7. Think about it, thats a 3 and a 4. If you get one of the 2 throw me another charge’s in your hand, your desiny only has to be two 3’s (the deck average after all pullable cards are out).


Also, notice the 3 pilot/starfighter combos all deploy for 3? quite handy, eh.

Card explanations

Projections of a skywalker/endor celebration/menace fades-

these are included becase the deck is meant to not have to leave endor for ANYTHING. Celebration stops speed deal (menace fades kills Dark deal, celebration kills all the occupations)

Home one/defiance-

2 single-cards that allow for competition against dedicated space decks, and with akbar abord home one you can be sure the opponet wont control endor and de-flip the objective (until you blow the bunker, that is)


yeah, ther are way better systems for draining out there, but roche is a no-risk system (force drain -1 for dark) and kashyyyk requires 6 ability for a destiny. Also, both are within an easy jump of endor, while other high-drain sites are not, allowing for more flexibility in battle and draining

Endor great forest-

an anti-run card incase your opponet trys invading and fails. they get boxed in to the great forest from back door, and than you can dispose of them or just let them sit and drain at THEIR sites


makes successful invasions virtually impossible, especially at Crix’s site (you should have corporal kenseric guarding him, for a total deploy of +4 to opponets male imp)


in for anti BHBM, because if vaders stuck in the throne room your opponet will be pressed to win those 3 battles. (against hunt down dont even deploy luke, just drain like hell because all it effects hurts is luke and DOS. If hunt down is big in your area trade in insurrection to stop ellis, and than move luke during your turn OUT of dense forest, trapping vader (until the next ellis anyway)

Corran Horn-

anti-spy who clears the bunker of spys and makes life easier

==>Why isnt insertion planning in here?<==

easy, because close air support is better. 3 from opponets battle destiny isnt going to help when you already have +1 battle destiny and +1 destiny to power only. However, if you must have it than put it in, im not stopping you, but in play ive found that there are more games i wouldnt use it than games i would


Ok, start with the normal stuff (OBJ and Starting Interrupt), and draw your hand. Always start Strike Planning, The Shield is Down. You might want to start something other than Squadren Assignments (Battle Plan comes to mind), but its more versatile and allows you to pull most anything you need in space. Make sure you get Crix by grabbin him before you activate. If you start with a general, then grab the other 2. If you dont, grab Crix and wait to see who you’ll need first, Han or Lando.

1st Turn

Deploy Crix, search for Chewbacca and deploy chewie and wuta. No chewie? Go for Panno or Kensaric. Drop back door (via sheild is down). After that, pull the scouts, but wait to deploy the bunker.

Just keep going, deploying sites and then immediatly fortifying them. Once you have the explosive charge, drop the bunker and either use a spy to get in, or use back door to move your characters in (preferably Han and Chewie, so as to keep the battle destiny to a minumim). Blow the bunker when you can, retreive your 8 force, and then spread out and drain like mad. With Midge, you have several +1 drains (Han, Leia, Page, Luke, Orrimaarko and LS, RS), and you can win most drain races if you are prepared.

Remember, you have lots of characters, most of which can be retrived when the OBJ flips. Losing characters isnt a big deal. And dont worry if you cant blow the bunker. At most you lose all the value of 4 cards, and if they use more than that to keep you out of the bunker, then its a good deal anyway.

Any suggestions would be great, thanks