Throne Room Mains So Hot Right Now

Title: Throne Room Mains So Hot Right Now
Author: Adam "kida117" McCombie
Date: Jun 8, 2002 Rating: 4.0




Yavin 4 Massai Throne Room

Naboo Boss Nass Chambers

Naboo Otoh Gunga Enterance

Naboo Battle Plains

Coruscant Jedi Council Chamber

Home One War Room


Luke With Lightsaber x2

Leia, Rebel Princess x2

Lando, Scoundrel x2

Qui Gon Jinn x2

Obi Wan with Lightsaber

Han With Heavy Blaster pistol

Capitan Han Solo

Chewie, Enraged

Corran Horn

3-P0 with no clothes

Dash Rendar

Tycho Celchu

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Boss Nass

Rep Been

Capitan Tarpals


Qui Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

Leia’s Blaster Rifle


Milenium Falcon


Green Squadron 3

Red Squadron 1



Colo Claw Fish

Sal’torr Kal Fas(v)

Squadron Assignments

Menace Fades

Honor of the Jedi

Goo Nee Tay

Bacta Tank

An Unusual Amount of Fear

Interupts (19)

Heading For the Medical Frigate

On the Edge x2

OOC & Transmision Terminated

A Few Manuvers

We Wish To Board at Once x2

Run Luke Run

Jedi Presence

Rebel Barrier

A Jedi’s Resilence x2

The Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach

SATM & Blaster Proficency

Dont Get @#$%y

Wesa Gotta Grand Army x3

Rebel Artilery

Strategy: ‘


Good, but why the Gungan garbage for just like 3 more force? Too many card slots.


Actually If you’d READ the cards you’d realize that Rep been adds 1 to activation for each gungan present thats a total of 6 activation for 8 card spots yea kind of a lot but wesa got a grand army is a used 5 that subtracts one from a weapon destiny not bad.

Thanks Armaedes I do get kind of screwed if I don’t get a Twix in my opening hand. So take Out Honor of the Jedi(besides anyone who wants to cause direct damage usually uses Tikkes or No Escape) and add one Twix site, any site it dosent really matter.

-2 stars for no yoda and alter/sense, if you start with jedi council chamber pull in yoda


Obviuosly you didn’t read my message to mighty maul I don’t want to put yoda at the JCC and have to put even one character there to back him up. and I don’t even start the JCC

hmm i like throne room mains, but this deck needs workfirst of all no YODA? and no alter? you play mains and watto with bad feeling will kick ya, pull in YODA with Alter, also pull in the sucking coruscount interrupt to pull out battleground loactions and think about the fish

Mighty Maul

Bad Feeling Does hurt but only a little I can activate more than enough in a short amount of time. As for Yoda and Alter. I’m not about to put yoda at the JCC and have to back him up with valuable resources. As for using Mindful of the Future. Why? To pull my ONE battle ground that is pullable by 3 interupts in my deck. Think about what fish

End Edit

Starting Start the Throne Room, An Unusual Amount of Fear, HFTMF, Colo Claw Fish , Sal’torr Kal Fas(v), and Squadron Assignments

Early Game Use Wesa Gotta Grand Army to Pull the Chambers, get Boss Nass, Rep Been and the Entrance. You Should be able to get these cards out by turn 2. Early on Don’t deploy anything unless the oponet makes an early strike to a site. Always let the opponet deploy first.

Mid Game You should have a good amount of activation by turn 5-6. Pull the Battle Plains but dont play it unless the opponet dosen’t have any good drain sites or is holding one or 2 sites with a large force.

Late Game You Should have a good control over the opponent and should have a couple sites under control. The end game usually consists of a drain Race but since you should have taken out a large amount of their character base and you should still have a decent amount left you can usually take out the last of their characters.

Card Choices

Locations These are pretty Basic. your locations can give you 15 force thats more than enough to deploy whatever you want.

Characters You might ask why I’m using Sal’torr Kal Fas for just 2 weapons, Why I’m not using all EPP’s. The answer is I don’t know I just really like Leia’s Blaster mostly I like the fact that with Colo I can take out anyone I want. I also like Qui Gons imunity. If I had any Jedi Lukes I’d use them too. The rest of the Characters provide A Nice beatdown crew and have some good staying power. Threepio is a really good tracking method late game take all your low destiny cards out and replace them with 5’s and 6’s also makes a nice way to increase your differential.

Space This crew can take out any space thats thrown at it. You may want to be cautious of tes though but otherwise these 5 will take most space out.

Effects Goo To make it harder for the opponent to get anything out, The Tank to add to the power of the characters the other 2 just because.

Interupts Mostly High destiny imterrupts that recycle. The Artillery is hardly ever used for its function, its just a good card for Colo and a nice destiny 7 that threepio can cycle easily. Most of the interupts are just really good in any deck


I’m not a big fan of match ups but here are a few decks that you need to break from your normal procedure to stop.

TIEs- Get the Battle Plains ASAP. For space you’re going to want to use the majority of your characters on your ships. The new shield also helps somewhat. If its Senate TIEs EPP Luke and EPP Han at the Senate with Don’t Get @#$%y will almost indefinetly clear the senate.

LSC-You don’t really have much choice but to fight them at their own turf. You just have to be more careful when going to them.

Dark Deal or Walkers I would start Menace Fades over Sal. Otherwise this isn’t a tough match

If you have any questions or comments please D mail me ‘