Ne Ganna Dateel Jabba

Title: Ne Ganna Dateel Jabba
Author: Brian "Gold 42" Monday
Date: Jan 18, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Court Of The Vile Gangster/I Shall Enjoy Watching You Die Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Tatooine Great Pit Of Carkoon Jabba’s Palace Dungeon Any Methods Necessary

Locations Cloud City Security Tower Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Rancor Pit Nal Hutta Tatooine Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm Tatooine Tusken Canyon

Characters 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle Bane Malar Boba Fett x2 Bossk With Mortar Gun Dengar With Blaster Carbine Dr. Evazan Gailid IG-88 With Riot Gun Jabba x2 Jodo Kast Malakili Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2 Zuckuss

Creatures Rancor x3 Sarlacc

Vehicles Skiff x2

Starships Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Dengar In Punishing One Jabba’s Space Cruiser Slave I Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Interrupts Hutt Smooch Monnok None Shall Pass x2 Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo? Trap Door We Have A Prisoner x3

Effects All Wrapped Up Bounty x2 Expand The Empire Presence Of The Force Scum And Villainy x2

Weapons Boba Fett’s Blaster Rifle Dengar’s Modified Riot Gun Mara Jade’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Use Any Methods Necessary to grab Fett, his rifle and Slave I out along with the Security Tower (only because the Dungeon starts off on table).

Then, if opponent plays space, start fishing for BH ships. Otherwise, pounce on the ground guys they drop, capture them and feed them to the creatures for some Force loss. If you feed them to the Rancor, not only do they lose Force, but you retrieve as well

Nal Hutta is in to fish for Bounty. Malakili is in to slow down attacks on your Rancor.

LS space isn’t big in my area, so no Security Precautions for now, although I might pull one S&V for that.

Against mains and toys, beatdown and capture. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Against MWYHL, deploy on the mains/other characters, and cause as much early Force loss as possible.

Against ops, kill buddy, capture op. Note Fett’s Blaster Rifle is +2 to hit vehicles, so speeders aren’t exactly safe to hide ops in.

Against numbers, pound on what gives the numbers FAST.

I don’t really see too many other decks in my area, and numbers almost next to never, so I don’t normally pack counters to too much other stuff.