I’m Getting Too Old For This

Title: I’m Getting Too Old For This
Author: Mike "Darth Dago" Guarino
Date: Jun 19, 2002 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (7)

Massassi Base Operations/OIAM

Yavin 4

Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Get To Your Ships

Great Shot,Kid

Battle Plan & Draw Their Fire



Death Star

Death Star Trench




Yavin 4 Briefing Room

Yavin 4 Jungle

Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters

Yavin 4 Massassi War Room


Captain Panaka

Commander Vanden Willard

Lt. Arven Wendik

Lt. Chamberlyn

Lt. Rya Kirsch

Luke w/Lightsaber

Master Qui-Gon

Naboo Fighter Pilotx5

Officer Dolphe

Officer Ellberger

Princess Organa

Queen Amidala

Rebel Tech

Ric Olie, Bravo Leader


Bravo 1

Bravo 2

Bravo 3

Bravo 4

Bravo 5

Bravo Fighter

Naboo Defense Fighterx5


A Few Maneuversx4


You’re All Clear Kid


Down With The Emperor

Traffic Control

Weapons (3)

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

Proton Torpedoes(Ep.1)x2

Epic Event(1)

Attack Run

Admiral’s Orders(1)

I’ll Try Spinning

Strategy: ‘

This was a deck I put together after getting bored with Luke or Wedge taking out the Death Star time after time. Personally, I’ve found that the bravo guys work a little better and it makes it more fun. First problem with bravo squadron however is that all N-1 starfighters have a hyperspeed of 3. So unless your opponent is nice enough to move that floating death trap to parsec 1, you have a problem. To address this, that is what the 4 a few maneuvers are for along with all those systems along the way that will let you make it. Sure it means you’ve gotta make two moves before getting to the death star but it just adds insult to injury by allowing you force drain before making them loss a ton of force. One the positive side, if you’ve got two of the few maneuvers and track them for attack run destiny, your opponent can occupy the ruins all they want and it wont matter.

In terms of game play, this deck goes the same as any other MBO deck. Get your sites out and get leaders at the sites. If your opponent feels like coming to Yavin 4, that’s what the Jedi are there for. If you’re without Jedi to defend the planet, most of the other ground characters are decent on their own. Besides, you’ve got 6 leaders and only need one to get your full attack run bonus. In a pinch you could even put Ric at the briefing room and do the attack run with Bravo Fighter.

Any difficulties on the ground can be counteracted in space. You get a battle destiny if ANY two N-1 fighters are together. The non-unique draw one while with any other N-1. I’ve found it’s actually best to do the attack run with Bravo Fighter while I send ric and another bravo member to rip it up in space (3 destinies). Try to get the Naboo system out if possible and set up with a couple of ships there, two defense fighters with a fighter pilot aboard gives you power 12 with destiny all for 2 force. Plus, I’ll try spinning gives you a built in light side tallon role every turn. If blowing up the station isn’t the game ender, then stop off at those systems on the way home for a nice drain +2 before the party. This should be more than enough to put an end to the game, especially if you were able to get Down with the Emperor out.