You Should Have Taken The Profit

Title: You Should Have Taken The Profit
Author: Greg "rabidjedi" Heisler
Date: Jan 19, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective You Can Either Profit By This/Or Be Destroyed

Locations(7) Tatooine Obi-Wan’s Hut Lar’s Moisture Farm Cantina Mos Eisley JPAudience Chamber Jabba’s Palace

Characters(24) 2x Master Luke Luke with Lightsaber Boushh Leia with Blaster Rifle 2x Artoo 2x See-Threepio Threepio Obi-Wan with Lightsaber 2x Ben Kenobi General Solo(start) 2x Han with Blaster Pistol Chewie with Blaster Rifle Orrimaarko Harc Seff R-3PO Kal’Falnl C’ndros Oola

Starships(2) Millenium Falcon Redemption

Interrupts(15) 2x Gift of the Mentor 2x Nabrun Leids Skywalkers Jedi Presence I Know Sorry About the Mess Someone who Loves You Grimtaash Tunnel Vision Don’t Get Cocky Life Debt The Signal Shocking Information

Effects(7) A Gift Wise Advice Traffic Control Goo Nee Tay 2x Tatooine Celebration Bacta Tank

Weapons(4) 2x Anakin’s Lightsaber 2x Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘

This deck is a very good Tatooine. You can either rescue Han early and flip the Objective or you can sit it out and drain. Then, rescue Han and retrieve the lost force that you need or want. Master Luke is a great help, because of his ability to get rid of aliens. Also, if you are having problems saving Han, then just play Someone Who Loves You, save General Solo, and run away or play ECC Chewie. Once you save that old pirate, you should just take out as many people as possible and make them lose some force for each battleground site. Have Fun ‘