Revolving Harvest

Title: Revolving Harvest
Author: Brian "Red 81" Guthrie
Date: Aug 25, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (6) Obi’s Hut (s) Lars Moisture Farm (s) Rendevous Point Yoda’s Hut Hoth War Room Yavin IV Ruins

Ships, Vehicles, Weapons, Devices (6) RLR1 and GLG1 Tantive IV Spiral Obi’s Saber (x2)

Characters (20) Ben Kenobi (x3) Obi Wan Kenobi Luke with Lightsaber (x3) Daughter of Skywalker Leia with Blaster Rifle General Solo Han with Blaster Pistol Chewbacca Orrimaarko Owen Lars (x2) Beru Lars (x2) Melas Oola (x2)

Effects/Interrupts (28) Careful Planning (s) The Signal Sense (x4) Alter (x4) Harvest (x4) Nabrun Leids (x2) Tunnel Vision (x2) Civil Disorder Goo Nee Tay Mantellian Savrip Battle Plan Scrambled Transmission Shocking Information Revolution (x4)

Strategy: ‘

The key to this deck is achieving a force advantage over the DS so you can use Oola every turn. Most DS rely on unique male imperials and aliens, so Oola is the perfect compliment to Revo. This deck used to have 6 Revos but I took 2 out for Scrambled Transmission and Shocking Info. SCrew decks are popular in Central Texas. The rest of the deck is self-explanatory. Tunnel Vision is key to getting Owen and Beru at the Farm, and Harvest provides a duel function Regeneration AND destiny adder for Luke. Enjoy’