I Like Monkeys (EJP Version)

Title: I Like Monkeys (EJP Version)
Author: Alan "DrObiwannabe" Jern
Date: Jan 22, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting HDADTJ Holotheatre Med. Chamber Visage of the Emperor Twilek Advisor Pick the best-suited effect for what the opponent presents you with. Default is CHYBC

Locations Death Star Coruscant Death Star War Room Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave Coruscant Imp Square

Characters Mara Jade Dengar with Blaster Carbine Bane Malar 4-LOM with Concussion Rifle Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Darth Vader x2 Darth Vader, DLOTS EPP Vader Djas Puhr Admiral Motti Commander Igar Captain Piett Dr. Evazan Ephant Mon IG-88 With Riot Gun Jabba The Hutt Admiral Ozzel General Veers J’Quille Boelo

Effects Crush The Rebellion First Strike Bad Feeling Have I Secret Plans CHYBC Reactor Terminal Security Precautions POTF Much Anger In Him Broken Concentration Lateral Damage

Interrupts Twilek Elis Helrot Monnok I Have You NOw Dark Jedi Presence Elis Helrot

Starships/Vehicles Boba In Ship Bossk In Ship Zuckuss In Ship Vengeance Devastator Avenger Tempest Scout 6 Blizzard 1 Tempest 1

Weapons Mara’s Saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Strategy is pretty simple and hasn’t changed since the first monkey deck. Just get force as soon as you can. Draw up combos and deploy every effect you get. As soon as the opponent puts down a guy play every combo you have. Its very possible to end the game in one or two battles with this deck. It works most effectively against MWYHL.

Answers to reviews I don’t use the executor because if it were to be destroyed, I would lose both my executor sites (3 force for me) and my visage which hurts a lot. I might consider adding some 6/7’s in the deck. Its just a matter of decided what to take out and what to put in

As for numbers, I probably should have put a resistance in. Replace Much Anger In Him with Resistance. That should help with inserts. ‘