The balanced deck V 2 0

Title: The balanced deck V 2 0
Author: Bastian "Death Star" Winkelhaus
Date: Jan 22, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective Hidden Base/Systems will slip through your fingers

Locations (8) Rendezvous point Tatooine Kashyyyk Bespin Chandrilla Tibrin Alderaan Hidden Base indicator

Characters (18) EPP Obi x2 EPP Luke Master Luke EPP Leia Boushh Captain Han EPP Han ECC Lando ECC Chewbacca Momaw Nadon Orrimarko Jeroen Webb Taws Khaa Harc Seff Figrin Dan Wedge Antilles Melas

Starships (7) Millenium Falcon x2 Red Leader in Red 1 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Tantive IV Spiral Redemtion

Device (1) Landing claw

Weapon (1) Anakins lightsaber

Interrupts (14) Glancing blow Rebel barrier x2 Tunnel vision x2 The signal Narrow escape Clash of sabers Under attack Dont forget the droids Shocking Information Keep your eyes open Out of commisision A few maneuvers

Effects (10) Wise advice Battle plan Yodas gimer stick Our most desperate hour Undercover Bacta tank Order to engage Insurrection Whatre you tryin to push on us? x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

A balanced deck with a good activation. Start would be Wise Advice if you suspect Sense/Alter, else Battle Plan to slow everything down. The deck should be played patiently, once you can track the used interrupts or the cards you see with Figrin you can inflict some real damage. Tibrin is key to the deck, as is order to engage. Flip only at the end of the game or if you are forced to do. If all this sounds familiar to you, well it is. Its basicly the newest version of the Martin Falke deck I posted after worlds. Now it includes ECC and EJP. Bespin was added to ease the canceling of Dark deal. Transmission terminated was eliminated, with Insurrection you can use your spies, everything opponent deploys to the holotheater is trapped.

Suggested reading Balanced - an article about what makes a balanced deck Why Martin Falke is No.4 in the world - the previous version of this deck ‘