Mains-thing in true Swedish fashion

Title: Mains-thing in true Swedish fashion
Author: Martin "Mart" Akesson
Date: Jan 27, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective You can either profit by this/or be destroyed

Locations 7 Jabbas Palace Audience chamber Rendezvous point hoth war room yavin war room massassi ruins yodas hut

charcters 16 Han (frozen) han with blaster Obi-Wan with lightsaber Ben kenobi X2 Leia with blaster X2 Luke with saber X2 Chewbacca with (or without) blaster Orrimaarko Taws Khaa Melas Oola Artoo R-3PO

weapons 1 obi-wan’s lightsaber

Blue 5 Lando in Falcon Red leader in red 1 Gold leader in gold 1 Spiral Tantive 4

Effects 10

Revolution X4 Mantellian Savrip Goo Nee Tay (mostly start) Baccta tank (or another savrip) a Gift Battle Plan What are you trying to push on us

Interrupts 21

Sense X5 Tunnel Vision X4 Shocking info X3 Alter Clash of sabers X2 Rebel Barrier X2 Nabrun Leids Someone who loves you Weapon Leviatation Sorry about the mess The signal ‘

Strategy: ‘

I played my fist game against this objective today, and that was when i realized it’s possibilities. What i noticed was that When i deployed my aliens to the audience chamber, it kind of took out my own strategy. I had to choose between moving those 2 aliens away from the audience chamber or try to defend it. If i tried to hold the audience chamber, i had to put out lots of characters there, and since it’s indoor, the EPP weapons will hurt a lot. Also, when i have my aliens there, i cant use them to drain either. If i move them away on the other hand, he would free han, he would retrieve 10 force and have the huge advantage the flipped objective gives him. Thats when i came up when the idea of this deck. Why not build a mains deck starting on this objective? Since DS cant drain in the audience chamber, i don’t have to bother about it. His 2 Aliens are practically stuck there, and if he chooses to defend it, it will take a lot of characters which will give me an advantage in the game. I can use my mains to get to his sites instead. If he moves away from the audience chamber, i have a 70 card deck, and will cause him a major force loss.

The objective gives you 4 force, which is good enough. When someone sees this objective, what will they use as starting effect? probably not crush the rebellion, right? So why not use the oppertunity to suprise with revolutions? This deck doesn’t depend on revolutions, but with S/A/C in the deck, revolution will give you a huge advantage if don’t face crush the rebellion. Even if he manage to cancel them in a few turns, you should by then have a major advantage already. If he on the other hand starts with that card, then just don’t use them or wait until very late in the game. The S/A/C also protects your Savrip, which will win you the game if it stays on table. I’ve seen all to many decks that cant defent themself against savrip if i sense his masterful move. The base of this deck is regular mains/toys, and you should know how to use that.

You should have plenty of activation with this deck. An early Oola is great.

3 shocking info to be manipulation safe.

Startin effect Goo nee tay. Great card, which also protects from myom onith and suprise on the revolutions

4 Tunnel visions - get you that card you need against that type of deck, or just speeds things up. you should use at least 4 in each mains deck

Other suggestions

in sweden we don’t see many hunt down decks nowdays, therefore i didn’t put too much protection in it. Curage o.a.s and glancing blow should do, since ben is a great dueler. In that case, drop some sense/alter. Im uncertain about the ‘a gift’. if you think many will be prepared for it then just skipp it.

If you fear ISB agents will infiltrate your sites to drain, than change the 2 yavin sites for mos eisley/cantina or something.

I forgot, odds protection have to go in, 2 don’t forget the droids for, lets say i have you now and someone who loves you.

Excuse my bad Swedish accent