MWYHL @ CC Mains & Tech

Title: MWYHL @ CC Mains & Tech
Author: Tony "Dr.Stumpster" Wang
Date: Jan 27, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (11)

Dagobah Dagobah Swamp Dagobah Training Area Dagobah Jungle Dagobah Bog Clearing Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Bespin Cloud City Lower Corridor Cloud City Carbonite Chamber Cloud City Casino Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Characters (15)

Yoda (Mentor) EPP Luke (Trainee) Princess Leia ECC Chewbacca Figrin D’an Pucumir Thryss EPP Han Lando Calrissian Kal’Falnl C’ndros Lobot Orimaarko Tawss Khaa Obi Wan Kenobi Threepio Wedge Antilles

Starships (5) Millennium Falcon Red Leader in Red 1 Tantive IV Spiral Redemption

Interrupts (9)

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This Glancing Blow Courage Of A Skywalker Cloud City Sabacc x2 It Could Be Worse x2 Punch It The Signal (Starting Interrupt)

Effects (9)

Wise Advice (Starting Effect) Yoda’s Hope Lightsaber Proficiency Order To Engage K’lor’slug Bacta Tank Traffic Control Cloud City Celebration Mantellian Savrip

Devices (2)

Luke’s Backpack Bionic Hand

Weapons (3)

Obi Wan’s Lightsaber Anakin’s Lightsaber Intruder Missile

Jedi Tests (5)

Great Warrior A Jedi’s Strength Domain Of Evil Size Matters Not It Is The Future You See

Objective (1)

Mind What You Have Learned/ Save You It Can

Strategy: ‘

This deck uses the advantages of a MWYHL deck and sets up a governing force.  The opponent cannot ignore you and must go to Cloud City in order to survive.    Start out with Dagobah, the objective, The Signal, and Wise Advice.	On your first turn, deploy Dagobah Yoda's Hut with Yoda and Yoda's Hope there.  On your second turn you will have just enough force to deploy EPP Luke to Yoda's Hut if the DS doesn't give you any force icons.  Also deploy Training Area.  Search for the JT#1 the same phase and deploy JT#1 to Yoda's Hut.  Complete the Jedi Tests in this fashion.  I chose EPP Luke over Son of Skywalker because he is pretty much the same thing after he's trained, except that he keeps his lightsaber when being picked up from location to location.  The only drawback is the force drain bonus.    Meanwhile, you can start setting up some forces at cloud city.  Yoda @ Yoda's Hut will help, as well as the other Jedi Tests once they become in effect.  I chose Princess Leia over other Leias because of her game text on Cloud City.  I believe that reacting is very important.  When deploying Princess Leia, deploy Anakin's Lightsaber on her.  The ideal place for her is at the Lower Corridor.	With Lando, I use him for Sabacc, that's why I don't use ECC Lando.  The ideal place for him is in the Casino.

If the opponent is playing space, set up your forces in space, but make sure you have Mantellian Savrip out. Also, a very good combo is

ECC Chewie + EPP Han + Milennium Falcon + Punch It + Spiral

You don’t even need all that out to have a decent combo. If the opponent is playing mainly on the ground, you can use some of the starships as Mantellian Savrip fodder. I put the Redemption in my deck because of Bacta Tank, which is a very important part of my deck. There’s enough pilots and the Bacta Tank to keep cycling through space and to keep the damage and pressure.

This deck should stay on Cloud City, for it is designed to draw the opponent to Cloud City. I am thinking of putting a Landing Claw in, but I wouldn’t know what to take out. The I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This is the one in Premiere.

The locations, characters, starships, Jedi Tests, and the objective that I put in should be self-explanatory on why they are there.

I put in Sabacc and Celebration for force retrieval. Bacta Tank and It Could Be Worse is there to prevent and take care of damage. Intruder Missile and Bionic Hand are there as destiny 7 cards for Jedi Test #5. You don’t always have to go to Jedi Test #5.


Glancing Blow and Courage of a Skywalker are there for a reason. I should add in an Uncontrollable Fury, but I don’t know what I should take out. Destinies are pretty high in this deck.

vs. Carbon Freezing

Give them Orimaarko or Wedge as the character in the objective. Deck will eventually deteriorate.

vs. Big Blue

Not too many exterior sites, they will eventually die against weapons as well as extra battle destinies. Order To Engage will make them have to save up to deploy a big force. Starships can hold out Bespin, good enough for the Celebration.

vs. Operatives

Obi-Wan’s game text is very useful in this case. They will eventually have to go to you because of JT#1.


Use the tech in this deck to your advantage to draw them into going to Cloud City. Use attrition and battle damage and reacts to surprise your enemy. JT #5 should be able to get a 7 if you count your cards right. Force drains are very nice and get pretty high. The opponent will eventually cannot deploy to Cloud City because of high deploy costs as well as Order to Engage will cripple them. Many factors will kill the opponent. This deck must be played by someone who knows how to play it. ‘