drazins home tropers

Title: drazins home tropers
Author: michael "R2D5" patton
Date: Aug 26, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (6) Cloud city Securty Tower Cloud city Carbonite Chamber Cloud city Intergation Room Cloud city Downtown Pliza Cloud city Lower Corrior Cloud city Port Town District

Characters (21) Grand Moff Tarkin Boba Fett (Cloud city) Darth Vader Dark Lord Of The Sith Sergeant Wallen General Tagge Zuckuss Stormtrooperx7 Corporal Drazinx3 Elite Squadron Stormtrooperx4 Sergeant Tarl

Starships (3) Avenger Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Deveastor

Interrupts (10) Troper Assaultx5 Elis Helroltx2 Counterarrackx2 Monnok Twi’lek Adviosor(starting)

Effects (10) Srategic Reserves There Is No Try Security Precautions An Entire Legion Of My Beast Troops Crossfire Imperial Academy Training Special Deliveryx3 Reactor Terminal Imperial Aeerst Order(starting)

Divice(1) Carbonite Chamber Console

Weapons(6) Blaster Riflex6

Objective Carbon Chamber Testing/My Favorite Decoration ‘

Strategy: ‘

Well its based on the drazin game text and special delivery. Keep retriving force while you drain with you troopers all over Cloud City. The 3 ships are in there due to hidden base not to beat it in battle but to find it and and cancel the objective. Counterattack is a powerful and underrated card that shines in this kind of deck. There are 3 differnt alterations for this decks starting effects. There is no try is good aganist any traing deck because they will alter and sense every card you play once its fliped but you still need the arrest order to stop the nabrun leids to drazin. Security precautions for a hidden base. Startegic Reserves for opertives but again you still need the arrest ordre. Thanks for your time I am new at this so give me a little break just this once thanks R5D4’