Old-skool Tatooine Occupation

Title: Old-skool Tatooine Occupation
Author: Matt "Old Skooler" Lush
Date: Jan 31, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (8) Tatooine (S) TatJabba’s Palace JP Aud. Chamber Tat Tusken Canyon Tat Jundland Wastes Tat Lar’s Moisture Farm Tat Mos Eisley Tat Cantina

Characters (15) Darth Vader, DLOTS x2 Darth Vader x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x3 Mara Jade x2 Brangus Glee Bane Malar Jabba the Hutt Djas Puhr Zuckuss Dannik Jerriko

Weapons (3) Vader’s Saber x2 Mara’s Saber

Droids (2) ECC 4-LOM U-3PO

Starships (7) Executor x2 Death Squadron Star Destroyer x3 Boba in Slave 1 Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Interrupts (21) Combat Readiness Sense x6 Alter x4 Moment of Triumph x3 Elis Helrot x2 Unexpected Interruption Ghhk You Are Beaten Twi’lek Advisor x2

Effects (4) Tatooine Occupation Reactor Terminal Security Precautions Resistance

Strategy: ‘

 Start Tatooine and get Jabba's Palace with Combat Readiness. Use JP to get the Audience Chamber. Use Aud. Chamber to get Mara. If LS gives you just one force, you've got Mara and Saber first turn. Barring anything weird, you will activate a minimum of 7 force your second turn. You can see how this will hurt a Profit Deck as well. Establish space ASAP, with two Executors you should get one in a reasonable amount of time, therefore giving the minus 2 deploy bonus to your DSSD's. Meanwhile, on ground, get a Vader and Tarkin together, preferably with a saber as well, and regulate the game through Sense and Alter. Stop any interrupt or effect the opponent tries (Unless Do Or Do Not is out, then use your head about what should fly and what shouldn't) The other ability 4 aliens should be hanging out by themselves, one at a site. Preferably, you would want Brangus at the Cantina for the power bonus, Mara at the Moisture Farm w/saber for the swing bonus, and Djas Puhr at one of the 2/1 sites for power. When your opponent tries to take them on, play Moment of Triumph. Depending on who they attack with, your alien may stay due to immunity, and it's real good odds the Light character(s) won't. Example Tawss against Djas Puhr. LS draws a 2. You draw a 2 AND a 3. Power 8 to 8. Djas stays. Tawss is toast. You have many options if you are worried about a LS beatdown. Unexpected Interruption acts as a double for every interrupt, letting you get what you need in an emergency in case it isn't in your hand already. Besides Ghhk, you can Elis out of the way, as long as Insurrection isn't out. DO NOT forget the power bonus you get from the Tatooine planet As long as you control, and you should with the power in this deck, this can make a world of difference in battles. If you're facing inserts, find a Twi'lek (you basically have 3-counting Unexpect. Interruption), and grab Resistance. Your 3 BG locations are already out Overall however, this deck is defensive/controlling. Simply by occupying, you hurt your opponent, even if they are blocking the drain. Every site has great game text, or a purpose(Mos Eisley for activation and cancel the shuffle). Let your opponent come to you, and kill them through much attrition with the Moments, while Vader/Tarkin go where it's roughest with Elis if necessary. And make absolutely sure you rule Tatooine the system before deploying Occupation. You've only got one copy, played right, that's all you need. Not much need for spy killers looking at the meta right now, besides, they can't block Occupation. If you really want something though, take out a Sense and chuck in Bubo. Been seeing Boussh lately? Lose a Sense and a Twi'lek and add two Snipers. Against operatives, well 4 of the sites are a +1 drain, that with Occupation can hurt them, while Vader/Tarkin visit their planet, and U-3PO blocks one of their drains. Lord help 'em if Insurrection ain't out. Ops are not big in my area of Texas so I don't worry about it too much. If you do have to worry about it, add a Coruscant or two and ABCTTU. They'll lose cards a lot quicker than you with that out. Hidden Base? Sec. Precautions and the Executor at Tatooine means they'll never get rid of your occupation, unless you actually probe their system. You may not want to bother, depending on how strong they are in space.   Response to reviews  Tarkinsaide, as I mentioned in the strategy, you avoid the beatdown by either Elising away or simply Ghhking it. You have the Alters to take care of Frozen Assets. Beatdowns take a while to set up, and by the time they are ready, YOU will be ready for it. This deck ideally should only battle with Vader/Tarkin. The other characters are there to occupy and drain, and the Moment of Triumphs will cause your opponent to realize they can't just throw some chump down to knock them out. They will have to devote some decent resources, and by then you should Vader/Tarkin ready to take them on. '