He go Carbon Tatooine LS MAINS &toys

Title: He go Carbon Tatooine LS MAINS &toys
Author: Christopher "DS-61-54" McCamy
Date: Feb 3, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘OBJ You can either profit by this/Or be destroyed.


Leia w/Blaster X2 Luke w/saber X2 Obi w/saber Ben Kenobi X2 Oola Orrimaarko Melas Artoo R-3PO Tawaas Khaa Chewbacca Han Solo(starting)

Interrupts Tunnel Vision X3 The Signal Transmission Terminate X2 Weapon Leivitation Nabrun Leads X2 Alter Clash of the Sabers X2 Someone Who Loves You Run Luke, Run Shocking Information Rebel Barrier X2 Dont Forget the Droids Sorry about the mess Glancing Blow We Dont need there scum(to deal with all new enhanced bounty hunters) Courage of a Skywalker Sense X2

Effects Goo Nee Tay (usual starter) A Gift Revolution X2 Battle Plan Mantellian Savrip

Locations R.point Tatooine Jabbas Palace JP Auidence Chamber Yodas Hutt Yavin 4 Massassi Headqurters Yavin 4 War room Endor Cheif Chirpa Hutt

Weapon Obi Wans Lightsaber

Starships Gold Leader in Gold 1 red Leader in Red 1 Sprial tantive 4 Lando in Falcon ‘

Strategy: ‘



I take out R-3p0, 1 rebel Barrier, 1 Luke with saber, yavin 4 war room, AND Put in gift of the mentor, Master luke, Anakins saber, and Tattione system. This will help me get mains down faster and free han faster. Also han can then shuttle up to a ship on tattione and be safe so obj stays flipped, thanx for the suggestions guys)

This deck is a very versatile version of LS mains and toys. It has the NEW Obj to help it along the way for the nice reterival and end of the game help. (Making them lose force for Mains at battlegrounds) I usual start with Goo NEE tay becasue all the DS powerhouses nowadays but against an Ops or high drain deck i would start with Battle Plan.

There is many counters to stuff that will hurt this deck also. I have Battle Plan in there against ops.

Shocking Revelation in there for SCREWS.

Tunnel Vision to get what i need when i need it, i have found this card has saved me many times. Dont forget the droids is a nice counter against the dreaded Numbers.

Revoltion with this deck is a great powerhouse for desperate force drains and for turning the tide on a site.

Nabrun Leads is in there because i always need to go to various planets to fight in begging and if i dont have anyone to rescue Han in hand, ill just nabrun over there too then force drain and make them lose force to OBJ.


Ok Han is an essinal part of this deck but i have found that using one is ok. For one i usual get him to a location with BEN or with a ton of mains for protection. OR i get him onto a starship after a nabruned hum. I might put an epp han in also though just in case but so far this deck has worked fine without him. BUT if you are going to downgrade my deck cause only one han dont put a lower score just tell me i can then take a card like REBEL BARRIER and put him in. This is a good overall deck and has beat all the HOT DS decktypes out there, it is also a blast to play due to the High number of mains in it. Thanks for taking a look.


Chris McCamy ‘