Mind Your Droids

Title: Mind Your Droids
Author: Michael "faramir" Dalton
Date: Feb 5, 2000 Rating: 3.5



’ Vehicles (4) Lift Tube x2 Ronto x2

Starships (1) Lando In Millennium Falcon

Characters (13) 8D8 x2 Artoo x2 BG-J38 x2 Luke With Lightsaber x2 Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2 R2-X2 (Artoo-Extoo) R4-E1 (Arfour-Eeone) Wedge Antilles

Effects (15) Anger, Fear, Aggression Battle Plan Death Star Plans x3 Demotion Descent Into The Dark For Luck Insurrection Never Tell Me The Odds x3 Projection Of A Skywalker x2 Wars Not Make One Great

Interrupts (16) Effective Repairs x2 Endor Celebration Grimtaash How Did We Get Into This Mess? x5 Surprise Assault The Signal Transmission Terminated x2 Visored Vision x3

Locations10 Dagobah Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Death Star Detention Block Corridor Death Star Docking Bay 327 Death Star Trash Compactor Dejarik Hologameboard Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room) Kessel Rendezvous Point Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Objective Mind What You Have Learned/Save You It Can ‘

Strategy: ‘

Glad no one realized my stupidity before I did. Take out the Descent into the Dark for another Projection of a Skywalker or something.

Start w/ Insurrection so you can pull your Docking Bays. There you can drop your droids and start HDWGITM’ing. You should be able to get a pretty early insert in. HDWGITM through your deck to pull out key effects (Battle Plan, Wars Not Make One Great, For Luck) and your locations for force. Set up 3 vehicles as well so you can get the 1 turn Death Star Plans going. If they leave you any openings to drop an EPP and do some damage do so. When you have enough of a lost pile go complete a Death Star Plans and get it all back. Pretty simple.

Visored Visions - Early on you can guess Torture and hope to kill them before they cancel any of your insterts. As you play it more you should get more of an idea what to guess.

Holotable - A safe battleground to help you get around CHYBC.

Effective Repairs - Great card, it basically doubles for any effect in your deck. Get your Projection back if it dies on the Holotable, your insert if it hit, that Battle Plan you lost off reserve.

Demotion - For Vesden, and w/ For Luck out they pretty much can’t alter it (unless Mara pulls a 0).

Kessel is in their for the late game drain, when your opponent is low on force and doesn’t have much left to challenge you in space, Lando in Falcon w/ Wedge is a nice combo.

Lemme know what you think. ‘