Jabba s Little Fleet

Title: Jabba s Little Fleet
Author: Blake "Zurai" Senn
Date: Feb 5, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Court of the Vile Gangster

Locations (11) Tatooine Great Pit of Carkoon Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palacr Dungeon Death Star Coruscant Nal Hutta Corulag Kashyyyk Tatooine Endor Kessel

Characters (15) Darth Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ozzel DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Lieutenant Cabbel Officer Evax Warrant Officer M’kae Mara Jade Jabba the Hutt Boelo Jodo Kast J’Quille 4-LOM w/ Concussion Rifle

Starships (12) Devastator Avenger Death Squadron Star Destroyer Vengeance Dreadnought x3 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Boba Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Dengar in Punishing One IG-88 in IG-2000

Weapons (1) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Devices (1) Homing Beacon

Effects (11) Imperial Arrest Order Reactor Terminal Secret Plans Imperial Decree Oppressive Enforcement Return to Base Security Precautions Presence of the Force x2 Battle Order Lateral Damage

Interrupts (8) Twi’lek Advisor x2 Sense x2 Dark Manuevers x2 Always Thinking With Your Stomach Alter ‘

Strategy: ‘


The starting effect varies according to deck type against operatives deploy Battle Order, against LS EJP objective deploy IAO or Secret Plans, against Hidden Base deploy Battle Order or Security Precautions, against Y4 start deploy IAO. This deck is likely to confuse the opponent in the beginning of the game; they see the objective and immediately think ‘Bounty Hunters’. Even after seeing a few ships laid down, they may be reluctant to deploy anyone too important for fear of that character being captured and fed to something. That is this deck’s major advantage. The opponent is not really sure what the hell you’re doing until it’s too late.


Play the deck as a standard space deck, with the exception of holding down the Audience chamber with the aliens, and Vader/Tarkin if need be. Don’t forget the reasons I picked this objective for the deck you can deploy an independant ship from reserve each turn, the opponent either has a character on Tatooine or loses force, and Battle Plan and Decree are simple to set up. With the number of systems in the deck, you are likely to have one in your first hand; deploy it/them if so. If you have some backup in hand, go ahead and pull mara from the deck with the AC game text, then arm her with her saber. If you don’t have any backup, it’s your call; if the you don’t think the opponenet will attack soon, go ahead and deploy her, otherwise wait a turn or two and swallow the pings from the objective.


If your opponent doesn’t deploy any characters, all the better for you. If they do, don’t worry about them until they are an immediate threat to whomever’s at the Audience Chamber. The drains will be minimal on Tatooine unless that happens to be their deck’s focus. You should concentrate most of your efforts in space drain early and often. Use the objective to your advantage by deploying the Mist Hunter and Slave 1 to guard systems if you have a lack of starships in hand. If the opponent moves to attack in space, swallow the first hit, then deploy Mist Hunter/IG-2000/Hound’s Tooth from reserve. Any one of the three make an excellent attack ship, combine two and you’re in the money. Supplement with Dreadnaughts, ISDs and/or Lateral Damage, stir well in a nice battle, then watch as they lose large amounts of force. If/when they decide to give up space and play Landing Claw, slap the Beacon on ‘em and chase ‘em down. Don’t forget you can react to force drains too. If the oppoenent doesn’t want to play with your fleet and concentrates on the ground instead, deploy back-up to the AC in the form of any and all aliens and pilots that look like they’d help. Your only real goal on Tatooine is to hold a single site for Battle Order and Decree. If the Chamber gets overrun, just move outside. Try to save Vader +Tarkin as a beatdown squad, but if you need them for defense, don’t hesitate to use them.


In then end game, you should be firmly in control of space, and should still have a site under control. All you need to do now is drain away, the opponent should not be able to match your number of drains. If, somehow, you don’t have a strong grasp on space, you could be in a little trouble. Do your best to hold onto the best systems, and prevent the LS from draining at the D*. As long as you can keep Battle Order and Decree going, you should still be able to pull it out.


Against Hidden Base x-wing swarm Go a little slower in space, and get Battle Order ASAP. If they leave themself vulnerable somewhere, deploy the beatdown squad from reserve, then get outta Dodge. Try to pick your fights wisely, so that they lose maximum from each battle. Mist Hunter + 4-LOM + Punishing One makes an excellent swarm hunter (2 destiny, no immunity or draws for opponent, and high destiny adding). make sure they lose from the objective every one of their turns, for not having a character out on tatooine.

Against Hidden Base mains Play as if it were a regular M&T deck, mainly concentrate on space and one Tat site.

Against Profit DO NOT start with any aliens; that’s just asking to get beat down due to lack of characters. Instead, let them flip early, before they have much to retrieve, then attack them as they leave the palace and spread out. Mara + Jodo, Vader + Tarkin, Jabba + Boelo, any 2 or 3 pilots, make excellent attack teams to take out scattered rebels. If they decide to stay bunched up, just deploy to somewhere on the other side of the planet and ignore them till they spread.

Against training I have had NO trouble against any kind of training decks. Just treat them as any normal deck, and keep 6 ability everywhere. No big problems here. ‘