Dark Domination

Title: Dark Domination
Author: Adam "VCCGamerV" Liu
Date: Aug 11, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Sites 14

Cloud City Downtown Plaza Cloud City Port Town District Endor Endor Back Door Endor Dark Forest Hoth Hoth Defensive Perimeter Hoth Ice Plains Kashyyyk Kiffex Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm Tatooine Tusken Canyon Yavin 4

Characters 12

Admiral Ozzel Boba Fett With ? Captain Needa Commander Igar Darth Vader x2 DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 General Veers Grand Moff Tarkin Officer Evax

Starships/Vehicles 14

Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzard Walker x3 Tempest 1 Avenger Bossk In Hounds Tooth Devastator Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x4 Executor

Interrupts 10

Imperial Barrier x2 Masterful Move Monnok x2 Trample x3 Twi’lek Advisor x2

Effects 9

Battle Order Broken Concentration Imperial Arrest Order Imperial Decree Lateral Damage x2 Oppressive Enforcement Security Precautions There Is No Try

Weapons 1

Vader’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is just what its called, Dark Domination. This deck is a equal balance of ground beatdown and superior space. You start with either of the Rebel base locations, usually Hoth Ice Plains unless your opponent is playing a revolution deck. Start with any one of the effects according to your opponents deck. Try to get out sites as fast as possible and get down your effects, the effects are especially important, they are your “white blood cells”. Deploy your starships and vehicles and start force draining. With all the effects and interrupts, you are not at any risk of beat down by any deck. You may want to change the deck around according to your local meta.