Bastard Base v 1 1

Title: Bastard Base v 1 1
Author: Luca "Luca/Tzizvvt" Costanzo
Date: Feb 6, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (umm… 1)

Hidden Base/SWSTYF (Starting)

Locations (10)

Rendezvous Point (Starting) Hidden Base Indicator (Starting) Dagobah Dagobah Yodas Hut Dagobah Swamp Kessel Kiffex Ralltiir Tibrin Random decent battleground system (Corulag)

Ships (15)

RLiR1 Red Squadron X-Wing x 3 GLiG1 Gold Squadron Y-Wing x 3 LiMF x 2 Spiral Tantive IV Corellian Corvette x 2 Redemption

Characters (9)

Ralltiir Freighter Captain x 3 Luke w/ butter knife x 2 Obi-Wan Kenobi x 2 TK-422 Boushh

Effects (11)

Traffic Control Mantellian Savrip WAYTTPOU? TPTIFF Eject Eject Bacta Tank Battle Plan (Starting, mostly) Kessel Run x 2 POAS x 2

Interrupts (14)

It Could Be Worse Organized Attack x 2 Out of Nowhere x 2 Rebel Barrier x 2 Transmission Terminated x 2 Grimtaash x 2 The Signal x 3 (Starting) ‘

Strategy: ‘

To start off with, deploy Dagobah and the 2 sites for some early activation. You should try and get reactor terminal out ASAP so that you can start cycling through your deck without fear of Monnok. Get whatever out to slow down your opponent. You should be able to get a small fleet out to Tibrin and start re-using lost ships, Kessel Runs, TTs and Lukes. Also, start something (usually the falcon) doing the Kessel Run. Your opponent may deploy Secret Plans, but I wouldnt worry about it because you should generate enough force. The Organized Attacks are there to get ships early, you should try and dump them all cheaply at the Rendezvous Point to avoid Monnok. The Redemption and Eject Eject are looking to be replaced by another Organized Attack and an X-Wing gun in version 1.2. The main weakness seems to be Big Blue, so maybe I need to add B-Wings and Intruder Missiles or Docking and Repair Facilities or something. Pretty basic HB really, just wait until you can whittle away at your opponents fleet before you flip so that you can hopefully lock him down, retrieve your entire lost pile and put all your starfighters in your used pile (but Ill settle for just winning if that doesnt work). On to specifics

Vs. Ops

Battle plan and TPTIFF need to come out quickly. Between 2 spies, 2 POAS, 1 ICBW and Kessel Run you shouldnt lose too much force. Flip late and apply beats on ships as needed.

Vs. Hunt Down

DEPLOY TIBRIN EARLY This is the key to beating HDADTJ, you need it to get back any systems that you lose, retrieve Transmission Terminated and give you access to your lost pile (eg. If you lose TK-422 off the top, its almost like drawing him). Get Kessel Run set up, only cancel Visage when they flip (it helps you if you get Tibrin set up).


Heres where you need the X-Wing gun ) A spy will stop the chamber-visage and you can take over Tatooine to try and stop any occupations going on. The major problem with this matchup is that they may be playing Oota Goota Solo?, which can cancel Kessel Run. Minimise their drains, grapple Oota Goota Solo? and get your Kessel Runs (or Run, if you decide to play a more tuned version of this deck) back.


This is harder. Try and beat them up at the system to get TPTIFF working (I really think I should put that damn X-Wing gun in) and Kessel Run overtime. Watch out for Tallon Roll (LiMF is immune).


BATTLE PLAN Your best shot against them, TPTIFF will work if they are on 1 planet, but dont count on it. Treat it like ops, 2 POAS, 2 Spies (how ironic) but dont forget to apply beats with Obi-Wan and Luke (them ghhking is irrelevant, all that matters is that you are slowing them down). As always, dont forget to Run

Vs. Ralltiir Ops

You may be able to stop them from flipping (but dont base your game plan around it). Things get ugly when it is flipped, but if you keep a rebel barrier ready and can dispatch their ships you should be fine. They may also suffer from an early force-choke, so you may be able to dump Obi-Wan/Luke down and kill some guys. If you can out battle them, their drains will be small enough for you to deal with.

Vs. Big Blue

Im not too sure about this one … Once again, flip only when required (you may prefer to not deploy Kessel and Kiffex if you can just pick them up). The reason that I built this deck is because I think that this may be on the decline, with so many good dark ECC and EJP characters running round and 2 new objectives. Multiple battle destinies with Out Of Nowhere should help (dont forget, RFCs add one to manoeuver, so a Y-Wing with one piloting can use it). Their ground drains should be get-aroundable. If you can get some retrieval going, and a Mantellian Savrip thats not cancelled, you should be fine. Its all about out-battling them.

Vs. Anything Wierd

Use your brains. This decks built to be flexible.

Comments, criticisms, questions all welcome.

Luca Costanzo ‘