why lando is pas beau

Title: why lando is pas beau
Author: Yannick "Crusher" Lapointe
Date: Feb 7, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘starting8 any method necessary boba w stick boba in boat cc prison hunt down visage meditation holotheater

location5 cc casino x5

charater13 vader choke x5 mara jade x2 tarkin x2 barquin dan(is the man) lando x3

weapons3 vader stick x2 mara stick

blue2 blizzard 2 tempest 1

interrupt/effect29 sabbac x6 sense x5 alter x3 torture x2 twilek x3 evader a real hero i have you now crush the rebellion battle order security precaution elis helrot x2 secret plan shocking revelation ‘

Strategy: ‘

dont panic before giving me a half star hidden base is not a problem just wait until he flip than deploy boba boat and put vader at meditation chamber like this he need a 7 to get boba out and even if he succed you can still retrieve him, track it and draw he cannot make beet down on it because of security precaution. he have to pay for is drain during this time give boba a trip and let him probe protect your visage with sense and if he cancel it retrieve and twilek to get it back. protect your casino and battle epp dont hurt he draw no more than 2 destiny you choke hit with saber cancel a destiny a draw 5(i have you now and a real hero) and dont forget to gamble retrieve, gamble retrieve and kill your opponent ‘