Title: HBXXX 2 0
Author: Chris "Bentley" Bentley
Date: Feb 7, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘HBX2.0.deck - Mon Feb 07 153002 2000

Bespin Coruscant Kashyyyk Kessel Kiffex Rendezvous Point Tatooine x2

Boussh TK-422

Gold Leader In Gold 1 Lando In Millennium Falcon Red Leader In Red 1 Red Squadron X-wing x3 Spiral X-wing x12

All Wings Report In x2 Control x3 Effective Repairs Hit And Run Houjix x2 Hyper Escape It Could Be Worse x2 It’s a Hit x2 Organized Attack x2 Rebel Barrier The Signal x2 Transmission Terminated x2

Battle Plan Draw Their Fire Order To Engage Rebel Fleet S-Foils The Planet That It’s Farthest From Ultimatum Wise Advice Yarna d’al’ Gargan

X-wing Laser Cannon x2

Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is your basic X-Wing Swarmer, not to exciting but pretty solid. I have changed the ships around for a little more variety, plus the extra ability they provide help vs. ZIMH. Boussh and TK are in to block drains on the ground, bust there cover late in the game to get around Battle Order if neccesary, otherwise you should have no trouble getting around it cause this deck activates a ton of unused force mid game usually. X-wing Laser Cannons are in there to shoot down bounty hunter ships of course. All the effects are pretty much obvious, OTE is to punish them from running away until i can kill there ships. Interrupts are all pretty much the usual fare, w/ the effective repairs being added b/c i have alot of necessay effects that i only have 1 copy of. The controls are just a little more anti-sac, hit and run is in their instead of a 2nd hyper escape cause there are a couple of useful cards that cancel it so i dont want to be to dependant on it. I only use 1 rebel barrier now b/c its not as useful anymore since the DS has the ability to easily drop more than 1 ship.

Vs. Ops- Ops is the toughest matchup for this deck, try to get out early w/ quick drains and set up your fd blockers, get tpiff on tatooine, and beat them down either before your flip if they come to space or after they probe your hb.

Vs. Rallops- Get an xwing to ralltir early to delay the flip, and drain in space until they come to stop you where upon you beat them out of space w/ your cannons and stuff.

vs. Hunt Down- Search your deck until a TT is in your force pile and draw it up cause visage is death. Drain in space and block their drains on the ground, and kill whatever they put in space.

The key to this deck is patience, dont worry about early force loss and dont flip to early.

oh and dont lose off the top until all your planets are out.

Chris Bentley AIM CannonX ‘