EPP s got you down try this

Title: EPP s got you down try this
Author: Brian "Anakin Solo" Wene
Date: Aug 29, 1999 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations(7) Death Star(SL) Endor Kiffex Kashyyyk Coruscant Hoth Defensive Perimeter Endor Back Door

Characters(16) Darth Vader w/saber x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Major Marquand Lieutenant Watts Lieutenant Cabbel Commander Igar Commander Nemet Admiral Ozzel U-3PO Dr. Evazon Officer Evax

Creatures(1) Bubo

Starships/Vehicles(14) Dreadnaught x4 Thunderflare Bossk in Hounds Tooth Devastator Tempest 1 Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzard Walker Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 6

Interrupts(9) Control x3 Monnok x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2 You Are Beaten Masterful Move

Effects(12) Secret Plans A Bright Center to the Universe There’ll Be Hell to Pay Presence of the Force There is No Try Resistance Battle Order Come Here You Big Coward Reactor Terminal Security Precautions Bad Feeling Have I Imperial Arrest Order

Strategy: ‘

Well, this is basically a variation of a beatdown deck, it does especially well against Epp’s, because they can’t fire their weapons. You get plenty of force activation, and plenty of sites that won’t really be affected by Revolution. Plus you have many effects to dampen the opponents strategy, so choose carefully which effect you’ll use, because you’ll have to start with different ones probably every game, ex. start SP against Hidden Base, ABCTTU against Ops, Imperial Arrest Order against Mains, and Battle Order if you just want to be mean). I don’t know about everyone else, but I always have at least 2 controls in every deck, because they’re too good to not use, but many may disagree. But this deck an be changed to fit the local Meta, it’ll work almost any way you make it. ‘