Final - Look sir Droids ver 2 0

Title: Final - Look sir Droids ver 2 0
Author: Robert "Djas Phur" Waygood
Date: Feb 8, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations 9 Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay) Cloud City Incinerator Coruscant (starting) Endor Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Hoth Echo Docking Bay Kashyyyk Tatooine Docking Bay 94 Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Characters 24 5D6-RA-7 (Fivedesix) Bane Malar Boba Fett Brangus Glee Captain Piett Colonel Wullf Yularen Darth Vader With Lightsaber Darth Vader Djas Puhr DS-61-4 General Tagge Grand Moff Tarkin Lieutenant Cabbel Lt. Pol Treidum Myo Navy Trooper Vesden Officer Evax Probe Droid x7

Starships 6 Avenger Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dengar In Punishing One IG-88 in IG-2000 Stalker Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts 9 Abyssin Ornament Ghhhk x3 Imperial Barrier Limited Resources Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us Torture Twi’lek Advisor (starting)

Effects 10 A Bright Center To The Universe Bad Feeling Have I Battle Order Broken Concentration Imperial Arrest Order (starting) Imperial Decree Presence Of The Force Reactor Terminal Secret Plans There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Weapons 1 Vader’s Lightsaber

Objective ISB Operations/Empire’s Sinister Agents ‘

Strategy: ‘

The objective almost always is flipped by turn 3. Using IAO get one docking bay out each turn, 1st get hoth DB, then Yavin DB, then Endor DB, then whatever you like. Deploy any of the locations if you get them in your hand and make sure when you deploy your characters each site can draw a battle destiny. With Battle Order, ABC2Uni and Imperial Decree and 5D6 their drains will be expensive for a maximum drain of 1. If they beatdown play ghhk (be mindful of Draw Their Fire) and watch out for grimtash with the droids and ghhks. Get Stalker + Piett to the Endor system for easy to get cheap deploy droids. Remember to retrieve an ISB each draw phase and use Abyssin Ornament with the droids. ‘