Unique Hidden Base

Title: Unique Hidden Base
Author: Jessie "JedTech" Bartolome
Date: Feb 9, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Opening Setup Hidden Base (Obj) Rendezvous Point (Sys) The Signal (Starting Int) Rebel Fleet (Eff) Alderaan (HB/Sys)

Systems Tatooine Dantooine Rallitir Alderaan Anoat Hoth Kashyyyk Ord Mantell Kessel

Site Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Immediate Effect A Gift

Used/Lost Interrupt Organized Attack

Effects Traffice Control S-foils Haven Docking and Repair Facilities Wise Advice

Lost Interrupts Control x2

Used Interrupts A Few Maneuvers Hyperescape It Could Be Worse Out of Commission Star Destroyer

Starships Mon Calamari Star Cruiser x3 Spiral Red 7 Red 10 B-wing Attack Fighter x2 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Gold Squadron Y-wing x2 Red Leader in Red 1 Red Squadron X-wing x2

Droid Artoo

Aliens Figrin D’an Devaronian Leslomy Tacema Harc Seff Debnoli Melas

Rebels Derek ‘Hobbie’ Klivian Commander Wedge Antilles Hol Okand Lieutenant Lepira Romas ‘Lock’ Navander Theron Nett Elyhek Rue Ryle Torsyn Colonel Feyn Gospic Jeroen Webb ‘

Strategy: ‘

(Hi I would suggest you actually build this deck first, play it, then review it cause the human element is also part of this deck.)

Basically, you take out all your systems, deploy your ships and drain once the HB is flipped. As for probing, block your opponent as much as possible, but once your Hidden Base is found, use ‘It Could Be Worse’ to get rid of the force loss from Security Precautions. As for Battle Order, I don’t take it as much of a threat as a hindrance. It doesn’t really matter, since you’re primary mission will be to start deploying so its not reall much of a problem in the early game. When it does become a problem, adapt as much as you can, perhaps adding Battle Plan to this deck for it (didn’t add it cause i don’t have one). Notice Artoo, A Gift and the Audience Chamber. This is for those decks out there that are using those ECC/EJP starships out there. Just deploy artoo at a starship orbiting Tatooine, shuttle him down and deploy A gift. Also, notice that you can increase your force drains at Kashyyyk, Anoat, Dantooine, Rallitir and Ord Mantell by one thanks to the special edition pilots which are included in this deck. Also, despite having no weapons, the aliens included in this deck are formidable on the ground and can help in cancelling dark deal for those CC decks, while providing a great ground force (plus the rebels) against basic ground decks. Most of the starships have permanent pilots so you don’t have to staff them with pilots for them to keep the peace in space. Figrin D’an is also your primary ‘fail-safe.’ He can help retrieve force when you lose a particularly important card. Out of Commision and Hyperspace are primarily defensive cards with destinies (OoC for tractor beams, Hyperspace for escaping from hopeless battles). Star Destroyer is also useful especially if you’re opponent is playing a space deck and Organized Attack is for your battles. Also, you want to get S-Foils and Docking and Repair Facilities out as soon as possible so you can pump your fighters and recycle any that can get scrapped. Haven is also important, especially at Hoth where it can reduce the costs of you MC80s. Jeroen Webb can help get you ships where they can’t deploy immediately while Lock can prevent your opponent’s reacts. ‘