A not so quiet colony

Title: A not so quiet colony
Author: Robert "Djas Phur" Waygood
Date: Feb 10, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (8) Bespin Bespin Cloud City Cloud City Casino Cloud City Downtown Plaza Cloud City Platform 327 (Docking Bay) Clouds x3

Characters (23) 2-1B (Too-Onebee) Captain Han Solo x2 Corporal Beezer H’nemthe Kal’Falnl C’ndros Lando Calrissian x2 Leia With Blaster Rifle Luke With Lightsaber Obi-Wan With Lightsaber Pucumir Thryss Ralltiir Freighter Captain x6 Sic-Six Tibanna Gas Miner x2 Wedge Antilles Yoxgit

Vehicles (7) Cloud Car x7

Starships (9) Millennium Falcon x2 Redemption Spiral Tantive IV Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter x4

Interrupts (9) Cloud City Sabacc x4 Local Defense x2 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes Strangle The Signal

Effects (3) Bacta Tank Bargaining Table Maneuvering Flaps

Objective (1) Quiet Mining Colony/Independent Operation ‘

Strategy: ‘

I ended up settling on the deck as you see it now. As you can see it is cloud orientated, with only the minimum number of sites needed to flip. I try to flip this objective as early as possible (1st or 2nd turn should be easy) as this gives me the protection I need to hold my own against beat down.

The starting location is always the casino. Coupled with Lando and Sabacs, it is a good force retrieval method that can also hurt your opponent. Especially with the popularity of the bounty hunters in there ships, as all but Bossk in Hounds tooth are valid stakes. The starting effect can sometimes vary depending on how they start. I find I start with Maneuvering flaps the most as it allows me to do a cloud car beat down if I get challenged. Don’t forget that the cloud cards are good at exterior sites as well as the cloud sectors. Bargaining table is sometimes chosen if I suspect my opponent will leave me alone and force drain.

The non-uniques have been chosen to enhance this deck. The Ralltiir freighter captains are great for piloting cloud car. The H’nemthe and Sic-six are both designed to join Lando at the casino. This stops Elis beat downs and increases the deploy of imperials.

Maintaining control of the Bespin system is one the decks major priorities as it is the easiest way for the opponent to flip it back. For this reason I have used two copies of both the Falcon and Captain Han. Coupled with the z-95 Bespin defense fighter (which is a staggering 5 power at the Bespin system) and the corvettes they provide enough power. The redemption is in the deck so you can recycle a high forfeit character threw the Bacta tank cheaply. ‘