I Still Like Monkeys

Title: I Still Like Monkeys
Author: Alan "DrObiwannabe" Jern
Date: Feb 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting HDADTJ Med Chamber Holo Visage The Signal (pick an effect)

Locations Death Star D War Room Coruscant Cor Imp Square Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave

Characters ECC 4-LOM Mara Jade Gen. Veers Adm. Ozzel EPP Fett Jabba The Hutt Dr. Evazan Cmdr. Igar EPP Vader Bane Malar Boelo GMT x2 Darth Vader x2 Cpt. Piett Ephant Mon DVDLOTS J’Quille Djas Puhr EJP dengar ECC IG-88

Interrupts Twilek Advisor Monnok Evader Torture x2 Elis Helrot I Have You Now

Effects Opp. Enforcement First Strike CHYBC BFHI Reactor Terminal Lat Damage POTF Secret Plans Hell 2 Pay CTR Sec Precautions

Starships Devastator Vengeance Avenger BFiS1 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter BiHT

Vechiles Blizz 1 Tempest 1

Weapons Maras Saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Basic strategy Go to wherever they are and fight

Vs. HB Start with Security Precautions and load of the starfighters in the deck with bunches of mains and battle, battle, battle. Probe if they flip.

Vs. Profit Start with Dengar and Mara. Pull out her saber first turn. Deploy several more mains there as time moves on and generally just keep them from getting Han. If, and when they get him out, eradicate their mains by lots of battling.

Vs. MWYHL Start with CHYBC to stop any retrieval they might have. This will also encourage them to get out some battlegrounds where you can beatdown.

Vs. Tosche Get mains to the station as soon as possible and prevent them from controlling at all costs. Tosche decks generally dont run very many locations, so if you can prevent the activation at the station, they will have very little force to work with (they are getting none from you)

Vs. Ops Ops is easy. Get guys to their planet very early and prevent pretty much all deployment you can. Dengar will hit speeders if they play them.

Vs anything else Go where they are and beatdown repeatedly until you win. ‘