The Leaders of Ralltiir

Title: The Leaders of Ralltiir
Author: John "jpvz" Veasey
Date: Feb 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Ralltiir Operations/In The Hands Of The Empire Ralltiir Twi’lek Advisor Imperial Arrest Order

Unknown Type Carida Kashyyyk Executor Meditation Chamber Hoth Wampa Cave Spaceport Docking Bay Spaceport Prefect’s Office Spaceport Street

Characters (15) Danz Borin Admiral Motti Admiral Ozzel Captain Lennox Commander Igar Darth Vader DS-61-2 DS-61-4 Lieutenant Arnet Lieutenant Cabbel Lt. Pol Treidun Major Marquand Officer Evax Trooper Davin Felth Warrant Officer M’Kae

Creatures (1) Bubo

Vehicles (6) Blizzard 2 Blizzard Scout 1 Blizzard Walker x2 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 6

Starships (6) Devastator Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser Thunderflare Boba Fett in Slave I Vader’s Personal Shuttle Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Effects (10) Battle Order Come Here You Big Coward First Strike Imperial Decree Oppressive Enforcement Secret Plans Security Precautions Alert My Star Destroyer Lateral Damage

Interrupts (12) Evader Monnok Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us Torture Limited Resources Point Man Twi’lek Advisor Alter Evacuate? Imperial Barrier Trample

Devices (1) Homing Beacon

Strategy: ‘

This deck uses a combination of 2-2 Imps and blue to go anywhere.

HIP and EMC are just for force generation. Cardia can also be for generatio, Decree and Battle Order. Kashyyk is all that plus a drain for 2.

The spaceport helps the quick flip, drop 3 guys at 3 sites, flip and move togher for free at the street.

Most of the guys are either leaders, or pilots(or both). Sit one at the precinct office to get bonuses for your Imps, even if piloting a combat veichle. Pol Tredum helps deal with undercover spies. Cabbel is good with any leader. Arent stops reacts, espically those pesky Arconas. Bubo takes care of any low power problems.

The SD’s are in for power and are unstopable with Alert My SD. The Indpendent fighters can’t be clawed and have staying power. The shuttle works well as a quick fix incase they beat you to the system.

The walkers are solid, the only problem could be Mechanical Failure. Use the scouts to cover multiple sites and let the big boys kick their scrubs around.

Battle Order slows down their drains, or gives a good battle opprotunity. CHYBC stops most cheese retival and associates. First Strike is the only real retival in this deck, try and get it early. Decree slows down any big drain decks till you can fight them. Enforcenment is anti-SAC and is good all around. Secret Plans is anti-reteval as well. LD alows the smack to be laid down on an unsuspecting ship. Alert is local meta, gives my SD’s staying power.

Only one Evader in this deck because revo had gone downhill around here. Monok keeps their hand size conroable as well as battling the swarm. Those Rebles is a good all around counter card. Tourture kills numbers, not too much around here but pops up occasionally. Limited R is a local meta, works well as near end game killer. The exta Twi helps me fish for any need stuff. PM is a good canceler, espically two of the most hated, OTE and Scramble. Evacuate works well in big blue, saves your guys and its a 6. Alter cancels a lot of stuff that hurts. Imp Barrier stops the beatdown before it starts. Tramle is the most fun card in this deck.

Please post any comment or suggestions, Thanks. ‘