Raltiir Ops Sanctuary

Title: Raltiir Ops Sanctuary
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Feb 14, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (10) Raltiir Forest Jungle Swamp Spaceport Docking Bay Death Star Coruscant Kahyyyk Executor Meditation Chamber Dagobah Cave

Characters (18) Darth Vader Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade Navy Trooper Vesden AT-ST Pilot x3 Biker Scout Trooper x3 Admiral Ozzel Lieutennant Arnet IG-88 with Riot Gun Dengar with Blaster Carbine IM4-099 x3

Starships (4) Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Boba Fett in slave 1 Bossk in Hounds Tooth Devastator

Vehicles (7) Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 6 Speeder Bike x3

Interrupts (11) Alter x2 Scanning Crew x3 Imperial Barrier Trample x2 Evader x2 Twilek Advisor

Effects (7) Bad Feeling Have I Imperial Arrest Order Security Precautions There’ll Be Hell to Pay Battle Order Oppressive Enforcement Crush the Rebellion

Weapons (2) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vaders Lightsaber

Objective Raltiir Operations/In the Hands of the Empire ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is a very strong Rallops deck that when played right can be very deadly.You start with the objective and raltiir and Twilek Advisor. I always start with Bad Feeling Have I so all mains deploy +4. I then get out either a site or a biker scout depending if I have a site in my hand. Once I get out my biker scout I get out the speeder bike for some power to control and I do the same at all the three sites to flip the objective. Once it is flipped I get out any card I want depending what I need. I also get out the 3 droids with the biker scouts and it makes all their characters deploy +4 and mains +6. The Navy Trooper Vesden is in their for odds. The Scanning Crew’s are in their to get rid of rebels and know whats in store for you. It is good against most decks because it lets you get out any card to stop the objective. It is mainly defensive and you get out cards to battle them at other places. The tramples are in for the undercover spies and crush the rebellion is there to stop Revo decks.

This deck has done well for me and I would like some feedback. ‘