
Title: ISB/IAO/Decree
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Feb 14, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (8) Coruscant Impeiral Square Coruscant Docking Bay Hoth Echo Docking Bay Hoth Defensive Perimeter Yavin Docking Bay Endor Backdoor Endor Forest Clearing Endor Landing Platform

Characters (28) Chall Bekan Chyler Colonel Wullf Yularen Commander Igar Corporal Derdram Corporal Oberk Corporal Vandolay Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Djas Puhr DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Grand Moff Tarkin IG-88 With Riot Gun Lt. Pol Treidun Mosep Navy Trooper Vesden Niado Duegad Officer Evax Probe Droid x4 Sergeant Tarl Snowtrooper Officer x3 U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio)

Starships/Vehicles (9) Dreadnaught x3 Dengar in Punishing One Tempest 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 6

Creatures (1) Bubo

Interrupts (4) Twi’lek Advisor Ghhk x3

Effects (9) Bad Feeling Have I Come Here You Big Coward Security Precautions Imperial Decree Imperial Arrest Order Secret Plans Reactor Terminal Lateral Damage They’ll Be Hell to Pay

Objective ISB Ops ‘

Strategy: ‘

Use IAO first two turns to pull Yavin and Hoth Docking Bays. Deploy an ISB Agent to each and flip. Then spread and drain. Use Ghhk’s when EPP’s come down. Against Hidden Base use Dreadnaughts and the DS-61 pilots to fight and probe. The Blue’s are just there for some punch. Decree should be set up once you flip so get that out if they’re draining you alot or if they play with Revo’s. Rest of the stuff is pretty standard. ‘