Why Dominic Is The Machine

Title: Why Dominic Is The Machine
Author: Dominic "Decktech" Gaudreault
Date: Feb 15, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective 1


Locations 4

CC Casino CC Prison Bespin Bespin Cloud City

Character 8

Darth Vader x2 DVDLOTS Lando x2 Lobot Mara Jade Zuckus

Starship 4

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss In Mist Hunter IG-88 In Ig-2000 Boba Feet In Slave 1

Vehicule 2

Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Effect 6

Secret Plan Battle Order Grapler x2 Resistance Crush The Rebel

Interrupt 36 (dont panic)

Scanning Crew x10 Alter x3 A Real Hero Any Methods Necessary Monnok x2 Masterfull Move Shoking Revelation CC Sabac x7 Trooper Sabac x2 FRUSTRATION x4 Twilek Advisor x2 Evader I have You now ‘

Strategy: ‘

Please I beg you to read all the strategy before rating it , because its probably the first time u saw a deck like this one , and its a deck build around tech , so its a litle hard to see his power without seeing all his possibilitys.

Me And yannick lapionte we have been messing with that deck since january , and It has Only Lost Once , It was To His harvest choke revo beggar deck , so I add 1 evader and crush , and dont worry , with 4 frustration , he will never grapple it.

Start With Any Method Necessary to get the prison , Zuckus, And His Starhip.

On your first turn , do a scanning crew. If u see a grapler, Do a FRUSTRATION , TARGET HIS GRAPLER if he got any, so if you dont play any interrupt till the end of your next turn , he will loose it , that way , he will never grab you anything. Start with a frustration if he start with wise advice or if he kept 3 force. Now still In your control phase , search for a shoking revelation with secret plans , so you can see your deck and find out how many Scanning Crew u got in your force pile , to remove all the main from his hand.

Put Lando in play as fast as you can from the prison and start the sabacc madness. If u are lucky u will remove some of his key card right at the begining. I once remove Yoda from a Training Deck ,And 2 planet from a HB before he activate ) he never fliped

Also , on your first turn , deploy bespin cloud city from your deck . Your oponent will think you are stupid because you need to control that sector to do Dark Deal. So maybe he will waste his starship there. But what he dont know is that you dont even have a dark deal.

The Following Turn Put Down Vader to alter all on table dont forgot.

I put a masterfull move to do perfect sabac and search for monnok. Imediately after u play your masterfull move , Play shoking revelation , and track them. That way you will do perfect sabac from time to time.

Against Ground deck like opperative Dont put Bossk In Tooth except for beatdown , its a strategy against landing claw . if u accidently put him for mystical reason , put him at bespin cloud sector. because you really wanna make him pay for his drain with battle order.

Monnok well if main cant beat you , non-unique alien can hurt you. First Alter Yarna Fast. There is 2 monnok and 1 masterfull move. With Sabacc retrieving them , u will usualy play 1 monnok at each 2-3 turn.

—->The Beatdown ComboThey will realise that to win they must kill your lando wich will probably in a blizzard at this point of the game( it also prevent replacement). So if for obscure reason , they manage to put character and attack you. play Real Hero and I have you now . everything will explode Now do a sabac , you will retrieve I have you now and Real Hero . Next Turn Immediatly Search For I have you now with crush the rebellion

To play this deck well , u have to know exactly what card , and how much of each u put in your deck . So with the magic of shoking revelation , u can know what is in your force pile each turn. there is not much deploy to do . so if u desperately need a card ,draw

The grapler are especialy for shocking information.

U will retrieve usualy 3 during your turn and 3 during opponent turn with sabac. This is if he manage to put character on table and make u loose cards

What is great about that deck is that when you win its usualy by 40+ wich is really huge because u almost dont put any card on table. and u retrieve all.

I hope you enjoy ) thats is 1 of the good few deck i have invent.

Dont worry , i understand if you dont see that deck strong , you really need to see it play to apreciate his power , but…


  1. Retreival This is obvious. Every time you play it with Lando at tbe Casino, you retreive three cards. This is huge.
  2. Knowledge of Opponent’s deck Every time you play, you get to look at 2-6 of the opponent’s cards. This gives you great knowledge of what is in their deck.
  3. Removing opponent’s key cards Because you’re playing with Lando, you will always win. Thus every game you can choose one of their cards to be lost. Choose EPP’s, or choose Landing Claws. Choose Houjix, or Jedi Test 1. Choose WAYTTPOUs, so they wont be able to grab Sabacc later. It’s incredible
  4. Stealing You can steal X-wings, GLinG, RLinR1, weapons, devices, it’s insane
  5. Deck manipulation People often forget that you can play Sabacc during your opponent’s turn, thereby depleting his reserve deck, giving him no force to search for his Hidden Base, draw for weapon/battle destiny, search for effects, etc. This can be crippling late in the game


‘Mets pas ta jambe devant la hache comme ca gars… Tu vas t’estropier’

  • Alain Renaud 1996 ‘