The Scrubs

Title: The Scrubs
Author: Daniel "Shadow865" Blackford
Date: Sep 1, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations(9) Death Star (SL) Kashyyyk Kiffex Endor TatooineCantina HothDefensive Perimeter EndorForest Clearing Cloud CityDowntown Plaza DagobahCave

Characters(17) Darth Vader x2 EPP Vader Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Officer Evax Ds-61-2 Ds-61-3 Commander Desanne Lieutenant Cabbel Lt. Pol Triedum Colonel Wolf Yularen Officer Nemat Lieutenant Grond Lieutenant Arnet Admiral Motti U-3PO

Creatures(1) Bubo

Starships/Vehicles(16) Dreadnaught x5 Devastator Avenger Vaders Personal Shuttle Bossk In Hounds Tooth Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 4 Tempest Scout 6 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout x2 Blizzard 2

Effects(11) Imperial Arrest Order Oppressive Enforcement Bad Feelings Have I Presence of the Force Come Here You Big Coward Resistance Security Precautions There’ll Be Hell to Pay A Bright Center to the Universe Reactor Terminal Battle Order

Interrupts(6) Evader x2 Twilek Advisor x2 Imperial Supply Sacrifice

Strategy: ‘

This deck is impressignly strong. I generally start with Death Star and Imp Arrest Order but vary with what an opponents starts (Security Pre. for HB Bright Center for Ops). This deck is capable of holding its own in space or ground thanks to the wonderful ‘scrubs’ of the Empire. These wonderful faithful servants of the empire generally pack the forfeit of a LS main with Arrest Order out. Slap em on a Walker and they wont be touched by a saber..leaving them with their beefy bonus. Works the same way in space. I threw the sacrifice in as an emergency precaution..never know when youll need to have your people outside and viable to be hit. The deck is fast and merciless…Battle Order normally slows the opponent down and it shouldnt affect you with the 2 big K’s and Endor out(Or even POTF on the Death Star). In any event as long as you play smart you should be able to beat most decks.’