ISB Agents Watching Over Space

Title: ISB Agents Watching Over Space
Author: Josh "Momaw Nadon" Latneau
Date: Sep 2, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Stuff ISB Operations Coruscant Twi’lek Advisor Imperial Arrest Order

Locations Death Star Kiffex Corulag Hoth Kashyyyk Tatooine Kessel Endor

Characters Darth Vader, Dark lord of the Sith Darth Vader EPP Darth Grand Moff Tarkin EPP Boba Fett Lt. Pol Treidum Colonel Wullf Yularen Snowtrooper Officer x2 Corporal Derdram Corporal Vandolay Navy Trooper Vesden Officer Evax Sergeant Torent Lieutenant Renz Admiral Ozzel Fozec Probe Droid x5 U-3PO 5D6-RA-7 x2

Devices Restraining Bolt x2

Starships Executor Avenger Devastator Stalker Tyrant Bossk in the Hounds Tooth Dreadnaught x4

Interrupts Ghhhk x3

Effects Lateral Damage x3 Presence of the Force x2 Security Precations There’ll Be Hell To Pay Ability, Ability, Ability ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck uses retrieval to keep those high forfeit characters back in play. It doesn’t have really high drain potential, but it can block out the opponent’s drains very well, even if they do operatives, I can stop them (without A Bright Center). Star destroyers give me max power in space (combined with Lateral Damage and it could be nasty). Probe Droids w/ Restraining Bolts and/or 5D6 will take care of a lot of ground drains too. Please review this deck’