Choke/Beatdown Ver 2

Title: Choke/Beatdown Ver 2
Author: Jon "Bravo10" Tomayko
Date: Feb 24, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘ocations (7) Yavin 4 Throne Room (Starting) Endor Cheif Chirpa’s Hut Swamp (starting) Farm (starting) Tatooine Obi Wan’s Hut Rendezvous Point Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Characters (16) EPP Obi x2 EPP Han x2 Epp Luke x2 Epp Leia x2 ECC Chewie Wedge Antilles Oola Melas Twass Khaa Jeroen Webb Orinmaarko

Creatures (2) Nudj x2

Starships (4) Tantive 4 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Lando in MF Spiral

Interupts (18) Careful Planning (starting) Courage of Skywalker x2 Glancing Blow Signal x2 Nabrun x2 Transmission Terminated x2 Shocking Information x2 Don’t get Cocky Gift of the Mentor I Know Tunnel Vision x3

Effects (13) Beggar x2 Revolution What are you trying to push on us? x2 Traffic Control Goo Nee Tay Bacta Tank Uncontrollable Fury Draw Their Fire Mechanical Failure Orders to Engage Battle Plan Wise Advice ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is a revised version of a previous deck. I took out the Revos and some other cards, and added some more adders.

The main thing to do is simply activate force then battle the opponent to death. The effects and interrupts are pretty self explanatory.

vs. Hunt Down- Courage and Glancing are there to protect in duels. vs. ISB- battle them to death. vs. Space- get your ships out early, and battle. vs. Court decks- battle them and wipe out the bounty hunters before they capture you. ‘