Hide and Seek at Franks Palace

Title: Hide and Seek at Franks Palace
Author: Markus "Lone Gunner" Wuest
Date: Feb 25, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations (7)

Bothawui D Yodas Hut Dejarik Hologameboard JP Audience Chamber Kessel Rendevous Point T Jabbas Palace

Characters (10)

Artoo Bothan Spy Han Solo Master Luke Momaw Nadon Obi with LS R-3P0 R2-D2 R3-T2 Wedge Antilles

Starships (13)

Corellian Corvette x 3 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Gold Squadron Y-Wing Lando in Falcon Red Leader in Red 1 Red Squadron X-Wing x 2 Redemption Spiral Tantive IV X-Wing

Interrupts (8)

Droid Shutdown It could be worse Its a hit The Signal x 2 Transmission Terminated x 2 Were doomed

Effects (18)

A Gift Anger,Fear,Agression x 4 Battle Plan Never tell me the odds x 4 Projection of a Skywalker x 2 Undercover x 3 What are you trying… x 2 Wise advice

Devices (3)

X-Wing Laser Cannon x 2 Landing Claw

Objectice (1) You can either Profit by this../or be destroyed ‘

Strategy: ‘

I have got the Objective and i play it

Normally start with Wise Advice so your grabblers deploy for free (mostly for Torture) But you can start with BP or AFA aswell. Your main goal is to do damage with Anger and with Never tell me. Start to deploy the droids and insert NTMTO and AFA. Try to get a gifted doid to the AC. Use the UC spies and the Projections to block your opp. drains.

Meanwhile try to establish a fleet on Kessel or on your opp. systems to get some drains going. There are enough ships in there and some cannons for those BH-Ships, so you can defend your position. Obi and Master Luke are in there to hit your opp a little bit if he spreads his forces or to free Han Solo for an easy retrieval.

I think thats it…grats to Bastian…..

cya at Franks Palace ‘