A Hunker Of A Bunker

Title: A Hunker Of A Bunker
Author: Christopher "Thrawn" Hanudel
Date: Feb 26, 2000 Rating: 3.5




Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost

Characters (15)

Darth Vader Darth Vader Dark Lord Of The Sith Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade Major Marquand IG-88 With Riot Gun Lieutenant Grond Corporal Drelosyn Admiral Ozzel Sergeant Barich Sergeant Elsek Corporal Avarik Lieutenat Arnet Navy Trooper Fenson x2

Locations (8)

Endor Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform Endor Dark Forest Endor Ewok Village Endor Forest Clearing Endor Back Door Yavin IV Docking Bay

Starships, Vehicles, and Weapons (14)

Zuckess In Mist Hunter Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dengar In Punishing One Boba Fett In Slave One Devastator Dreadnaught Blizzard 2 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 5 Vaders Lightsaber Mara Jades Lightsaber

Effects (13)

Reactor Terminal Oppressive Enforcement Bad Feeling Have I Imperial Arrest Order x2 Organas Ceremonial Necklace x2 There Is No Try Perimeter Patrol Ominous Rumors Battle Order Establish Secret Base Security Precautions

Interrupts (9)

Twilek Advisor x5 Imperial Barrier x2 Ghhhk x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck can be a lot of fun especially if you get out fast and then you can just sit back and drain. Anyway on to the deck plan. Against any deck I start Perimeter Patrol on Bunker with Twilek Advisor. Then use the Twileks to get Imperial Arrest Order and Organas Necklace. Then use IAO to pull the Yavin docking bay and then slap an Imp and the Necklace on him and send him over to Endor for some big drains. This deck has great drain potential I once drained a kid for 16 in one turn The key to this deck is to get out and drain fast and early. Here is what to do against certain decks

Hidden Base

Use Twilek to get Security Precautions out and make sure you get some ships in your hand. Then try to get some drains going if he flips then probe his base if not then you crush him with drains. You probably dont even need to flip.

Mains and Toys

Try to get out There is No Try and Oppressive Enforcement also slap down Bad Feeling or Navy Trooper Fenson to slow then down. If they start draining big get out Battle Plan and try to beat them down in their weak spots. You should be able to win any drain race.


Now you might think that this kind of deck might be its weakness, but dont worry as long as your get drains going then you should be fine. Against this kind of deck get Battle Plan out soon and then get things ready to flip your objective. Now what are you going to do when they flip their obj and they make all your drain 1? This is when you flip your obj and then they cant make any of your drains 1 any more, too bad. After that you should be able to win the drain race.


Like I have been saying get out and drain, especially with this kind of deck cause they wont be able to drain ya until they flip. When they do flip crush Han with Darth, IG-88, or something good. By they flip you should have your drains all setup and then they stand no chance.

I should explain some cards

Imperial Barrier and Ghhhk are to protect from alien attacks or if the Rebels somehow get though. Now you ask why the speeder bike pilots? Well, they are cheep to deploy, they are forfeit 5 with IAO, and they help you flip the objective. You can still take some out to put in AT-STs, but I like the speeder pilots better. Anyway, I think the rest is self-explanatory. Have fun ‘