Do You Smell What The Doc Is Cookin

Title: Do You Smell What The Doc Is Cookin
Author: Alan "DrObiwannabe" Jern
Date: Feb 26, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting Death Star Twilek Security Precautions (See strategy for other possible starting effects)

Locations Executor Med Chamber Hoth Wampa Cave Hoth Ice Plains Dag Cave D War Room Cor Imp Square Coruscant

Characters DVDLOTS EPP Vader GMT EJP Dengar Dr. Evazan Adm. Ozzel Niado Duegad ECC Iggy Boelo Bane Malar Jodo Kast EPP Fett J’Quille (works good with Undercover) U-3PO (stop drains while you build up forces) Mara Jade Gen. Veers Jabba The Hutt ECC 4-LOM Cmdr. Igar

Interrupts Twilek x2 Torture x2 Imp Barrier Masterful Move Omni Box (good for your own tracking and screws up opponents tracking) Monnok Sniper You Are Beaten Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down

Effects Battle Order Oppressive Enforcement First Strike CHYBC Hell To Pay AAA (Great to play after a beatdown or when you dominate table) Reactor Terminal Undercover IAO (No escape for LS) Secret Plans

Starships Devastator Avenger Executor ZiMH BiHT

Vehicles Tempest 1 Blizz 2

Weapons Maras Saber Vaders Saber

Creatures Bubo ‘

Strategy: ‘

Other possible starting effects are Battle Order vs ops and CHYBC vs MWYHL (stops their retrieval until they leave Dagobah)

This deck plays pretty simple. It is a modified version of my previous I Like Monkeys deck, but after playtesting I decided that it would be much safer to ditch the Hunt Down (in case I play a pure space deck or a LS deck w/ no battlegrounds) for more raw power and destiny. I was able to improve the average destiny by about .4 … I think the average destiny is now 2.8, which is pretty good.

Anyways, it plays like this Start playing by drawing a lot. Deploy all the locations you get as early as you get them. Drawing gives you a chance to get a good idea as to what the opponent is doing so you can play accordingly. Use Twileks to pull the effects you think you need.

The best way to deal with the opponent is let them do whatever they want and then stop whatever they start. When they put out a guy or two, drop a smackdown. Then, just spread out and dominate their planet or wherever they are playing.

Three spies to get you pretty much anywhere.

Lots of great interrupts and effects.

High destinies that are easily recyclable for tracking.

Force choke.

This deck has got everything. Send me a message if you have any questions. All comments are encouraged.

Dr. Obiwannabe ‘The Doc’ ‘