Light Side Manipulator

Title: Light Side Manipulator
Author: Eric "bounty22" Hunter
Date: Mar 1, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘(12) Bothawui Chandrila Clak’dor VII Dagobah Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Hoth Kessel Kiffex Rendezvous Point Tatooine Tibrin x2

(15) 8D8 x2 Bren Quersey x2 Figrin D’an Leslomy Tacema Luke With Lightsaber Obi-Wan With Lightsaber R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo) Shasa Tiel x4 Toryn Farr Wedge Antilles

(13) Gold Leader In Gold 1 Gold Squadron Y-wing x2 Lando In Millennium Falcon x2 Red 8 x2 Red Leader In Red 1 Red Squadron X-wing x3 Spiral Tantive IV

(11) Blue Milk x3 Grimtaash x2 It Could Be Worse x2 Perimeter Scan x2 Tunnel Vision x2

(5) Never Tell Me The Odds x3 Stone Pile x2

(3) X-wing Laser Cannon x3

(1) Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers ‘

Strategy: ‘

To play this deck you try to get a fast flip. Then when you get Shasa Tiel out you can take control of the game. With Shasa out you can organize opponents force pile so that they can’t get any ships or security percautions or anything. Also if you organize it good card bad card becasue they have to pay one to draw one they will be screwed. Howver they might use an odd amount of force so they will get the good cards. In this case you can play blue milk during there move phase so they will get the bad cards. Finnaly with perimter scan you can see there hand and if you don’t like it you can play stone pile in hopes to get ride of the good cards or to get ride of cards they can probe with. To make opponent lose force just do force drains at kiffex and kessel also you can go a little numbers. Overall this deck will beat most decks because you will completly control what the can use to beat you with.

With the reviews i have got i will take out a Leslomy Tasema and a Never tell me the odds and add 2 oolas. I’m not quite shure what else to take out to add more space but already it works really well so… When you review this deck keep these changes in mind. ‘