
Title: Stephen
Author: Michael "Joz" Josem
Date: Mar 4, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Unknown Type Cloud City Carbonite Chamber Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay) Cloud City Security Tower Coruscant Imperial Square Dagobah Cave Death Star War Room Executor Meditation Chamber Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Characters (15) 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle Boelo 3 Darth Vader with Lightsaber Dengar with Blaster Carbine Djas Puhr Ephant Mon 2 Grand Moff Tarkin IG-88 With Riot Gun Jabba the Hutt M’iiyoom Onith 2 Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Starships (4) Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth Executor Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (18) 2 Masterful Move Monnok 10 Scanning Crew 2 Set For Stun 2 Torture Twi’lek Advisor

Effects (7) Battle Order Blast Door Controls Security Precautions Oppressive Enforcement 3 There’ll Be Hell To Pay Ability, Ability, Ability Search and Destroy

Weapons (3) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Devices (1) Carbonite Chamber Console

Unknown Type Carbon Chamber Testing/My Favorite Decoration ‘

Strategy: ‘

Silly me thought that the strategy behind a deck with 10 scanning crews would be pretty bloody obvious. Apparently not.

1) I do not want to flip the objective because the objective is crap. Freezing is @#$%. It is a waste of time. Don’t tell me to flip the objective.

2) There are three TBHTP’s in there because of a card called ‘Shocking Information.’ Shocking Information is a bad card. Therefore we use TBHTP to stop it from being played multiple times.

3) Frustration. Frustration is a miserable card, and a waste of space in a deck like this. You are just going for pot luck if you use it to try to deal with What’re You Trying To Push On Us. Apart from anything else, even if you do get Frustration to go off and hit a What’re You Trying To Push On Us, it means you still can’t use Scanning Crew until after WYTTPOU leaves your opponent’s hand.

4) Hidden Base is not a problem, because you have Battle Plan. They need to continue to pay to drain (‘cause you scanning crew their characters), and you hold off deploying any ships until Security Precautions is out and about. In addition, Search And Destroy will be an additional drain of 2 effectively.

5) Sabacc/Casino. Are you guys serious? This is crap. 5 card combo to POSSIBLY retrieve 2 or 3 force a turn? Never mind if you lose…

6) And for the moron who said ‘Where’s Boba,’ the answer is “in his ship.” Scum and Villany only works if you have no Imperials/Imperial Starships on the table. As is SO OBVIOUSLY THE CASE HERE, there are numerous non-Aliens here.

Grab any Shocking Informations, use Security Precautions to kill Hidden Base, and AAA and S+D for extra damage. ‘