You Will Take Me To Jabba Numbers Deck

Title: You Will Take Me To Jabba Numbers Deck
Author: Adam "Vincent Vega" Beauchamp
Date: Mar 5, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations - 5 Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Obi-wan’s Hut Rendezvous Point Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Dejarik Holotable

Characters - 8 Figrin D’an Rennek Wioslea Artoo x3 Obi-wan with Saber x2

Interupts - 24 You will take me to Jabba now x5 Suprise Assault x6 It Could Be Worse x4 Transmission Terminated x3 Trooper Sabaac The Signal x4 Careful Planning

Effects - 22 Anger, Fear, Agression x5 Never Tell Me The Odds x5 Demotion Eject, Eject A Gift Bo Shuda Battle Plan Uh-Oh Traffic Control Grappling Hook Hiding in the Garbage Projection of a Skywalker x2 Wars Not Make One Great

Devices - 1 Electrobinoculars ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off let me explain that I’mnot sure if never tell me the odds counts frozen captives or not, which is why I’m not starting You Can Either Profit by This / Or Be Destroyed. Any help on this question would be greatly appreciated. If Odds doesn’t count Han, then just change the Careful Planning to the objective add a Han for one of the Artoos and start Uh-Oh with The Signal. As it is the goal of the deck is to start Obi’s Hut and Careful Planning out The Audience Chamber. After this Signal or draw until you get Uh-Oh so they can’t wreck your strategy by canceling Bo Shuda. Once Bo Shuda is deployed setup the three aliens in the Chamber and start inseeting. Odds won’t hit for alot, but the loss of 4-6 will eventually build up. Artoo is really important to the deck also, because of gift, he can stop alien drains as well as blocking the drain at the Hut. Here is what I do vs. particular decks.

Hunt Down - This is one of the decks I considered when making my deck. I can use Artoo to make sure Vader doesn’t hurt me at the Hut as well as using his ability to track my three trans. terms. so I know when to draw up. It could be worses help alot too, but watch out for grabbers. Use Hiding in the Garbage when your life force gets low to keep getting It could be worses. Play an Obi if they are not dueling to go on suicide missions to take out vaders.

ISB - The Suprise Assaults and Battle Plan help the most. If they get a chance to activate alot, just use figrin d’an and sabaac to keep the inserts coming up. If they try to spread to docking bays, use Obi to mess up their strategy.

Endor Ops. - This is probably the decks weakness, but no one plays it in my area. It Could Be Worses, Battle Plan, and Wars Not Make One Great help and if they go to the Docking Bay to get around the Battle Plan, kill the guy with Obi. If this is popular I don’t recomend playing my deck.

Dark Deal - A Gifted Artoo helps alot, and eject, eject can hurt them alot in the late game if they start loosing ships to suprise assaults and Inserts. Suicide Obi’s can take out a whole site worth of Dark Characters, just make sure they can draw destiny so Obi doesn’t stick around. Use Hiding in the Garbage to get many suprise assaults, adn hope they can’t drain for to much in the air.

Court of the Vile Gangster - This deck is very popular in my area, and the versions people play don’t flip. My insert deck is very strong vs. this deck. A Gifted Artoo is very strong in this game, because it pretty much shuts down all their drains.

Ralltiir Ops - Suprise Assault hurts the few drain sites this deck plays. If they don’t pack Prescence of the Force this deck really has a hard time producing any serios drains, especially if Battle Plan is out. The Most Popular deck in my area by far, so this is why I like to play a deck that makes it hard for them to interact with. I have to signal for a grappling hook to make sure the on Torture most versions play from hurting to bad.

Thats about all the decks that people play inmy area with Ralltiir, Hunt Down, and Court being the most popular. I built this deck in response to the low drain potential of Ralltiir Ops and popularity of that deck in my area, but I wouldn’t recomend playing it more than a couple of times, because without the suprise value of this deck, it looses alot of potential. Well, thats it for my first deck tch deck, thanks. ‘