California Grand Slam Profit

Title: California Grand Slam Profit
Author: Alfred "ThaBraHmaBuL" Dong
Date: Mar 5, 2000 Rating: 4.0




You Can Either Profit/Or Be Destroyed


Tatooine Cantina x2 Tatooine Mos Eisley x2 Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Rendevous Point Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber(SL) Tatooine Jabba’s Palace(SL)


Ben Kenobi x3 Master Luke x3 Han Solo(starting Han) Han with Blaster Pistol Boushh Leia with Blaster Rifle Chewbacca Lando w/ Blaster Pistol Artoo


Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber x2 Anakin’s Lightsaber x2


Clash of Sabers Glancing Blow Courage of a Skywalker Weapon Levitation Skywalkers Gift of the Mentor x2 Narrow Escape x2 It’s A Trap x3 Someone Who Loves You Quite A Mercanary Tunnel Vision x3 Sorry About the Mess x2 Smoke Screen Transmission Terminated x2 Nabrun Leids x2 Grimtaash x2 The Signal


Yoda’s Gimer Stick Order to Engage Goo Nee Tay Battle Plan Do or Do Not Ultimatum A Gift

Strategy: ‘

This is the deck used by Ohmy Fasudhani to win the Mt. View Grand Slam. Ive modified it slightly, but not by much. The deck basically needs to free Han, and pick your battles wisely(since there are only 13 characters in the deck, each is crucial).

Sense and Alter really hurt this deck, so you may want to include something to back up Do or Do Not.Start w/ Battle Plan vs. Ops and ISB, and Goo Nee Tay vs. just about everything else.