
Title: Rallock™
Author: Luca "Luca/Tzizvvt" Costanzo
Date: Mar 6, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Broken … I mean Ralltiir Ops/ITHOTE (Starting)

Locations (12) Ralltiir (Starting) Swamp Spaceport City Jungle Coruscant Death Star Dagobah Cave Hoth Defensive Perimeter Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave Executor Meditation Chamber Kashyyyk

Characters (17) Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Vader with Crooked Metal Pipe Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand (Starting vs. Profit) Captain Khurgee Mi’yoom Onith Imperial Squad Leader Corporal Vesden Admiral Ozzel Officer Evax Lieutenant Cabbel Commander Igar DS-61-2 Nemet Commander Desanne Lieutenant Commander Ardan/Chief Retwin Lobel

Starships (5) Executor Bubbles in Ship Vader’s Personal Shuttle Zuckuss is ridiculous … umm in Mist Hunter Bossk in Bus

Vehicles (2) Tempest 1 Blizzard 2

Interrupts (6) Twi’lek Advisor Scanning Crew Alter Monnok IJASKAW Evader

Effects (14) Bad Feeling Have I (Default Starting) Security Precautions (Starting vs. Hidden Base) Broken Concentration (Starting vs. MWYHL) Imperial Domination (Starting vs. Profit) Battle Order (Starting vs. Ops) Crush the Rebellion (Starting vs. Throne Room) Oppressive Enforcement Ability, Ability, Ability Secret Plans There’ll Be Hell To Pay Come Here You Big Coward Imperial Decree Reactor Terminal Expand the Empire

Creatures (3) Sleen x 3

Strategy: ‘

As I said above, the default strategy of this deck is to flip quickly and not give your opponent one scrap more force than they should have. On your first turn you should pull out a site (the swamp) and a sleen. Do the same on the next few turns, remembering to grab the Squad Leader to Ralltiir from reserve to get a +1 drain bonus at the city. Once flipped, you should set up your manipulation with either Khurgee or Mii’yoom Onith, and pull out Lobel to lock down Ralltiir completely. You should be able to get a lot of force early, with 8 locations that provide you with 2 or more force and 4 locations that give you 1 that come from reserve (you may want to hold off deploying Kashyyk and the Perimeter if your opponent is choked). React to what your opponent is doing and try to get out AAA and ETE (if you decide to play it) to start some force loss for your opponent.

Vs. Hidden Base

You may want to just start with SecPrec instead of BFHI. Set up Rallock™, and Captain Khurgee. You can probably wait ‘till you see the other guy’s hand before deciding to go for anything else cute and you might not need the Lobel. Try to get out SecPrec, Executor w/ pilot and Bubbles + high forfeit passenger. Battle Order will hamper them and you have Secret Plans if they try any Kessel Running. Try to get ETE and AAA going for force loss and be careful with your ships … they’re not invincible. Oh yeah, Vader and Tarkin on VPS, Zuckuss in Ship or even the Bus can hold another system. You might want to get a ship down to Yoda’s Hut (with or without Imperial Domination) if you can- how cute is that

Vs. Ops

Battle Order is probably a superior SE to BFHI. Rallock™ needs to be set up, then set up Imperial Decree. Vesden for inserts, get Lobel and Khurgee going to stop anything annoying. Kashyyyk can give you the drain to win the game, but don’t go there with the Executor or Bossk in Bus unless you have IJASKAW for landing claw. Basically, no force loss = no problem.

Vs. Revo stuff

Sleens are just cool if you can get some out before they revolve the swamp, so you should probably start CTR. Take your time and deploy carefully. Revolving the Ralltiir sites is pretty much useless. If you can flip, you can probably win pretty easily if you can get Imperial Decree going. If they revolve Ralltiir and deploy there, wait to flip until you can move a ship over (or just Evader). This matchup is all about patience. Don’t forget- use Desanne to grab VPS, that’s what he’s in there for.

Vs. Tosche Tech

I’m not too sure how to handle this one. I guess you just set up Rallock™ and then hope to out-manipulate them. BFHI means no first-turn Obi-Wan. If you can get a decent force down to the station, they should activate next to nothing, and maybe you can Imperial Domination Obi’s Hut to stop the activation there too. If it gets to the stage where they can’t touch you on Ralltiir, you can probably grab ETE, AAA and just out-drain them.

Vs. Super Falcon or another MWYHL variant

AAA should wreck them, but don’t forget to grab IJASKAW to stop any spies. If you suspect training, maybe you should start with Broken Concentration. Khurgee is cute until SCrew gets grabbed, then you just smash them with Mii’yoom Onith. You can ignore the super-falcon because they can only drain you for 2 at Kessel if you flip, 1 with Imperial Decree. It doesn’t matter if they complete JT1 because you’re probably not going to be doing much draining if they have a surprise assault. Just play it by ear.

Vs. Profit

Start with Mara at the AC (I probably wouldn’t use Mii’yoom Onith because Master Luke still deploys free and I don’t think that people are stupid enough to try to bounce her). Your starting effect should be Imperial Domination. This will mean that they will only be activating 3 a turn (unless they get something else out, or have Master Luke in their starting hand). I would try and grab Lobel and Khurgee first, then maybe CTR if they have revolutions. Alternatively, you could just grab the D* and hopefully be able to Mii’yoom Onith them early. Once you get manipulation set up, you can probably move Mara over to JP (hopefully with IJASKAW in hand) and out-drain them. Grapple as required and with CHYBC out your opponent can’t do squat if their objective isn’t flipped. Oh, yeah, don’t be afraid to kill Han )

Vs. Odds

Vesden – duh (and you have alter if they’re a smartass and playing demotion).

To sum it up, never forget the GT of your stuff. Commander Desanne grabs VPS, Nemet stops reacts, you get a +1 weapon destiny draw at the DP etc. I was thinking of starting IAO and playing the Executor and Coruscant docking bays, but there are so many different effects that you may want to use as starting that I didn’t think that it would be worth it. I should probably add in TCINC (I could maybe take out Secret Plans- I can rig a 0 for a Kessel Run). Alternatively, I could take out BFHI and Secret Plans, start with Security Precautions and play an extra two SCrews. Chief Retwin should probably be in there, and if I add Barquin D’an I can lock my opponent with Battle Order and Broken Concentration to retrieve my entire lost pile. What do you think?

PS. Congratulations if you finished reading this.

Luca Costanzo tzizvvt@hotmail.com

Quote of the day “Who’s your hero?” “You are- if you get me a packet of cigarettes.” -King of the Hill ‘