Heres Ben

Title: Heres Ben
Author: Alan "Serpent" Sagan
Date: Mar 7, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locacations(7) Obi-Wan’s Hutt Tosche Station Rendezvous Point Yoda’s Hutt Cantina Mos Eisley Entrance Cavern

Characters(14) Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 Ben Kenobi x2 EPP Luke x2 Master Luke EPP Han x2 EPP Leia x2 ECC Chewie Chewbacca ECC Lando

Starships(2) Millenium Falcon Lando in Millenium Falcon

Interrupts(30) Sense x4 Alter x3 Nabrun Leids x2 Put That Down x2 Blaster Deflection Shocking Information x2 Don’t Forget the Droids x2 Carefull Planning Transmission Terminated Sorry about the Mess Glancing Blow Rug Hug Life Debt Protector I Know Don’t Get Cocky Skywalkers Gift of the Mentor x2 The Force is Strong with this One Punch It

Effects(3) Draw Their Fire Bacta Tank Traffic Control

Weapons(4) Obi-Wan’s Lightsabre x3 Anakin’s Lightsabre

Strategy: ‘

The main idea is to get obi+sabre to the tosche station. Chances of a first turn of this actually aren’t that bad, and happens in probably a little less than half of my games. This gives you a force advantage while pinging them for 2 every turn, unless they come to fight. All the better, luke + obi combined with the put that downs and blaster deflections make if VERY hard to kick them out of the station.

If they don’t come to you, go to them. Pick a spot, deploy 2-3 guys, a destiny adder, high destinies+shots combined with put that down makes for a hard time for the dark side. Or let them come to you.. drop Han, don’t battle. When they battle you, life debt for chewie, I know for leia, then play protector. Yes it’s card intensive, but i’ve done it so many times it’s worth mentioning.

Sense there reacts and interrupts, but use them somewhat sparingly, as with only 4, you’ll find you’ll run through them quite quickly.

Biggest problem this deck faces is a good dark side space… which i have yet to test it against. A good walker deck with IAO can hurt too. ‘