Final Layin the Smack Down

Title: Final Layin the Smack Down
Author: Clint "GameMaster" Hays
Date: Mar 7, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations (7) Clak’dor VII Desert Farm Forest Jungle Spaceport Docking Bay Swamp

Characters (14) ASP-707 (Ayesspee) x2 Clak’dor VII Operative x9 Luke With Lightsaber x2 Treva Horme

Vehicles (18) Rebel Snowspeeder x8 Sandspeeder x10

Starships (1) Lando In Millennium Falcon

Interrupts (9) Clash Of Sabers x2 Lost In The Wilderness Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes The Signal x3 Transmission Terminated x2

Effects (9) Draw Their Fire x2 Frozen Assets I Hope She’s All Right Insurrection Maneuvering Flaps x2 Mechanical Failure Yarna d’al’ Gargan

Devices (1) Landing Claw

Objectives (1) Local Uprising/Liberation ‘

Strategy: ‘

A bit of stratgey…

To the guy who told me to add Ben Kenobi…you have got to be the worst player ever. Are you @#$%ing stupid?

To the guy who told me to add Beggar. Are you a @#$%ing moron? Do you see any Tatooine sites? Damn you’re dumb.

Why did I choose Clakdor? Well…HDADTJ can’t bring Vader first turn. That’s important. Also…It’s a non-BG. This means they have to have their own or they are paying too.

I want to take a second to address all of you who seem to think 5d6 is a problem. The way you handle this is with Lost in the Wilderness. You drain for 0 or 1 at the site he is at. Then you play LitW to cancel your own force drain. You draw a tracked destiny and 5d6 is missing. This means he’s not coming back unless they wanna put somebody down for you to hammer.

Also, the card sold by Treva Horme goes to the DS player’s used pile.

In response to J-3PO’s review. Luke is not a liability against HDADTJ…he’s an asset. If you can’t find Transmission Terminated you can throw Luke on a speeder. This way his objective flips so he’s losing to visage as well, and Luke can’t be dueled.

As far as Alter/Monnok goes…once you flip it really isnt that big of a deal. I had yarna altered on me 1st and 2nd turn, respectively, in games 2 and 3 of the Philadelphia GS and I won each game by around 15.

If you fear SAC try to get on 2 BG’s pretty quick. Flip ASAP be careful with your interrupts and effects. Make sure Luke comes down to a safe place before deploying Maneuvering Flaps.

Use the ability to look for a site to locate the needed operatives. Draw for them when you can. This can also be used to find Transmission Terminated or the effects you need.

Treva Horme is a machine. Use her or Frozen Assets to prevent the opponent from getting that Ghhhk off. I Hope She’s Alright makes them come to the ground. 2 force per turn isn’t too appealing to most people. Then you hammer them.

Use ASP-707 to either deploy your speeders for cheap or to put them back on your deck to use them again.

Only one ship and claw because that’s all that’s needed. If you get them its good, if not who cares. You can afford to drain for a little each turn and I Hope She’s Alright makes them come down where you can hammer them and win.

Use Clash of Sabers to cancel POTF or to apply a beating with Luke.

Insurrection was added to aid in the defense of Elis Helrot.

vs. ISB Get flipped and look for I Hope She’s Alright and Lost in the Wilderness. These 2 cards should allow you to win. Lost in the Wilderness 5d6 and then make them deploy with I hope she’s alright.

vs. HDADTJ Look for Transmission Terminated. Make them deploy and then apply the beating.

vs. Rops Apply the beating

vs. Endor Ops Drain where you can. Use I Hope She’s Alright to make them come down. Apply the beating.

vs. Court of the Vile Gangster Flip ASAP. Load up on a site at Tatooine. When they come out apply the beating.

No matter what the opponent plays you should be able to make them come to the ground. If they don’t you should win. If they do apply the beats and win. Pretty simple. ‘