Just Another Throne Room Deck

Title: Just Another Throne Room Deck
Author: Walter "Walter" Cowart
Date: Mar 8, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(9) Y4Throne Room Swamp Farm Rendezvous Pt. HothWar Room DagobahYoda Hut TatooineObi-Hut TatooineCantina Y4War Room

Creature(2) Nudjx2

Device(1) Landing Claw

Ships(3) Lando in Falcon GL in G1 Redemption

Characters(15) Obi w/Stick x2 Luke w/Stick x2 Han w/Gun x2 Leia w/Gun x2 Orrimaarko Chewie w/Gun Wedge Tawss Khaa Harc Seff H’nemthe Bothan Spy

Effects(7) Goo Nee Tay Battle Plan Frozen Assets Order to Engage What’re you tryin’to push on us Wise Advice Bacta Tank

Interrupts(23) Courage of a Skywalker Glancing Blow Clash of Sabers Tunnel Vision x3 Alter x2 Lost in the Wilderness Sorry about the mess Nabrun Lieds Skywalkers The Force is strong w/this one Nar Shadda Chimes Quite a Merc. Careful Planning Transmission Terminated x2 The Signal x3 Don’t Forget the Droids x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Since there is a good chance just about every one on here has seen some sort of Throne Room deck I’ll skip to individual cards. Transmission TermI think this is better than just going to the Executor as you have to devote too much.Plus there is still a bothan and chimes to get to it just in case.Most people don’t use it in this deck,I do.

Alter is in due to the fact that it helps against a Raltiir starting w/Bad Feelin’(popular around here)Thats good enough reason right there.

H’nemthe rules early game against Raltiir and Hunt Down and will make them pay late game as its harder to get any thing out.Goo Nee Tay only adds to this.

The ships should be enough to go to space. The optimun Scenario is GLinG1 w/Claw blocking a drain while you load up the Redemption and use Bacta Tank. Lando in Falcon is just too good to pass up

9 sites may be cutting it close but it suits me.(Take out a few interrupts to add more)

All in all a good deck w/high destinies and alot of flexibility which is key for the light side.

Sorry about such little strategy but the basics have been covered time after time and I figure people are getting a little sick of this deck as it is.

Enjoy Walter ‘