Operations in a Can v 1 0

Title: Operations in a Can v 1 0
Author: Daniel "Shadow865" Blackford
Date: Sep 5, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective(1) Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost

Locations(12) Endor Landing Platform Bunker Kashyyyk Kiffex Yavin 4 Hoth Tatooine Kessel Forest Swamp HothIce Plains

Characters(17) Darth Vader x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Officer Evax Lieut. Grond Lieut. Cabbel Commander Desanne Ds-61-2 Ds-61-3 Ds-61-4 Commander Nemat Lieut. Pol Triedum Lieut. Arnet Adm. Motti Ozzel U-3PO

Creatures (1) Bubo

Ships/Vehicles(12) Dread x5 Bossk In Hounds Tooth Devastator Avenger Death Squadron Star Destroyer Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 4 Blizzard Scout 1

Effects(15) Ominous Rumors x2 Lateral Damage x2 Battle Order CHYBC Bad Feelings Hell to Pay x2 Imp Decree Imp Arrest Order Security Precautions Resistance Reactor Terminal Presence of the Force

Interrupts (2) Twilek x2

Strategy: ‘

This deck is still in testing but heres how it goes so far. On turn 1 you should be able to get out Ominous Rumors…deploy to Bunker and Landing Platform while draining mass in space. The forest and swamp are actually jointed cards depending on the game. If playing revo’s or ops youll want to use either to try and set up decree faster, against other decks where you need the drains deploy them to Endor to add to drains at other systems. Heres how it breaks down

Against Ops Start Battle Order and quickly try to set up decree. Spread in space to mass drain and use your high-forfeit Imps (after IAO comes out) to a handle on the opponents drain situation.

Against MWYHL Start Imp Arrest Order…they arent always testing and it could leave you exposed early. If they are testing grapple any reacurring interrupts((On the Edge, etc)) and try to get out CHYBC. You wont have too many drains in space if they are testing but then again in non-testing M&T they normally look to you to provide them with a place to battle/drain. Try to hold em and keep to space.

Against M&T Start IAO try to keep to Space but try to stop any huge drains on the ground quickly. If battles on the bround ar occuring frequently go ahead and spread in space.

Against HB Start IAO…its better to stay alive with IAO out and try to draw the Security Precautions later, surprisng them then to spring it on em at the beginning and never flip.’